Universal Program


Key idea:

To identify a single program that can simulate any program and all programs

 by computing the same functions computed by these other programs, one at a time.


Program: P, taking n inputs, X1, X2, …, Xn

   yP(X1,X2, …, Xn) : A PC function computed by this program P.


We define a function as follows:

U (X1,X2, …, Xn, #(P))   =    yP(X1,X2, …, Xn)

for all P’s and #(P)’s


The question is:

Is this function PC, that is, is there a program that takes n+1

inputs one of which is a program number that computes the same

function as this input program number computes for any program and

for all programs provided that these programs take exactly n inputs???


The answer is “YES”: THM3.1 (page 70).


Since this program is unique among programs of n+1 inputs, we call it a

“Universal” program, Un, and the PC function computed by this program a “Universal Function”

which we denote by:

f (X1,X2, …, Xn, y) =  yP(X1,X2, …, Xn)

where y used as another argument of this Universal function is #(P) representing a

program with n inputs.


Step-Counter predicate


          STP(X1,X2, …, Xn, y,t)


          A program represented by y stops in t or fewer steps on inputs X1,X2, …, Xn

(here, number of steps means the same as number of times instructions of a program have actually been executed by the computer)


There is a computation (of length of at most t+1) by a program y,

beginning with inputs of X1,X2, …, Xn

In other words, in this predicate we wonder if a certain arbitrary program stops

          in a finite number of steps or in a finite amount of time.


Although the question of whether or not an arbitrary program ever stops is unsolvable

this somewhat restricted question of whether or not a program stops within a finite amount of time is solvable as this predicate is shown to be PR, more than just “Computable”.


The “Step-Counter Theorem” of page 74 proves that it is PR.



This THM shows some PR functions/predicates such as:



1. The state (that shows current values of all program variables at any point in time)

                  is given by:


     z =         P    Pn vn   where k is the number of all program variables and vn is the current   

                          n=1           value of n-th variable and  Pn  is the n-th prime.

          2. The current snapshot is given by:    

              <i, z>  where i is the next instruction sequence number to be executed

               and z is the current State.


          a.  The label of an instruction

     LABEL(i,y) = l(s(y+1,i))    where is a program number and i is the sequence

                                                    number of an instruction.


b. The variable of an instruction

    VAR(i,y) = r(r(s(y+1,i))) + 1


          c. The type of an instruction

              INSTR(i,y) = l(r(s(y+1,i)))


          d. The destination label of an instruction

              LABEL’(i,y) = INSTR(i,y) – 2 (proper subtraction).


          NOTE: In the above four functions, when i > Lt(y+1), that is, when the program

             termination condition has been reached, the value is 0 each except VAR().

          In particular, INSTR() is zero.


          e. Four Predicates to indicate the effect of executing the next instruction (as represented

    by the current snapshot).


               SKIP(x,y) = just go to the next instruction w/o changing any variable

                                   where x is the current snapshot and y is the program number.


               INCR(x,y) = to increment a variable by one. (The instruction type is simply one)


               DECR(x,y) = to decrement a variable by one. (The instruction type is two and

                               the involved variable is at least one)


               BRANCH(x,y) = to actually make a conditional branch (as the instruction is

                                  IF-GOTO and the involved variable is non-zero)

          NOTE: When x, the current snapshot, has the positive program termination indicator,

                       None of above four predicate is true.


          f.  The successor snapshot of the current snapshot, x  (y is program number)


               SUCC(x,y) = <l(x)+1, r(x)>                            if SKIP(x,y)

                                  = <l(x)+1, r(x). pVAR(l(x),y ) >          if INCR(x,y)

                              = <l(x)+1, int(r(x)/PVAR(l(x),y))>         if DECR(x,y)

                              = <min       [LABEL(i,y)=LABEL’(l(x),y)], r(x)> if BRANCH(x,y)


                              = <Lt(y+1)+1, r(x)>              otherwise  (Program termination)

          NOTE: Once the current snapshot, x, has the positive program termination indicator,

                       SUCC(x,y) = x, no change to the next successor snapshot.


g. The initial snapshot (before the program execution)        


     INIT(X1,X2, ..., Xn) = <1,    P   (P2i Xi )>



          h.  Predicate to test if the current snapshot, x,  represents the program termination


               TERM(x,y) = l(x) > Lt(y+1)


          i.   Function to give the snapshot exactly after executing n instructions of

                a program, y.


                   SNAP(X1,X2, ..., Xn, y,0)      =  INIT(X1,X2, ..., Xn)

                   SNAP(X1,X2, ..., Xn, y, t+1)  =  SUCC(SNAP(X1,X2, ..., Xn, y,t), y)


          Finally, STP() can be represented as follows:


          STP(X1,X2, ..., Xn, y, t) = TERM (SNAP(X1,X2, ..., Xn, y, t), y)


          THM3.3 (page75): Normal Form Theorem  


          Key idea: Associating any given PC function with a PR Predicate


          Given a PC function, f(X1,X2, ..., Xn), we can find a PR predicate

          such that   

          f(X1,X2, ..., Xn) =    l( min R(X1,X2, ..., Xn, z))

                                              z  (unbounded minimalization)


          If we let z = <y,t>, then  (where y is the function value and t is the number of

program execution steps at any point in time before termination)

                   R(X1,X2, ..., Xn, <y,t>) can be:

STP (X1,X2, ..., Xn, y0, r(z)) and

                   l(z) =s( r(SNAP(X1,X2, ..., Xn, y0, r(z))),1)

                            where y0 is the program for this PC function.


          Characterization of the class of all PC functions.   

          THM3.4 (page76)

          A function is PC if and only if it can be obtained from the INITIAL functions

          by a finite number of applications of:


                   primitive recursion and

                   minimalization (Unbounded)



          Definition of Proper Minimalization:


          f(X1,X2, ..., Xn) = min P(X1,X2, ..., Xn, t)


          If the above function is total, we say that we are applying a ‘Proper’



          Characterization of the class of all computable functions.

          THM3.5 (page-77)


          A function is computable if and only if it can be obtained from INITIAL functions by 

a finite number of applications of:

          composition, primitive recursion and proper minimalization.