Recursively Enumerable (RE) Sets of numbers


          Key idea: Sets that are equivalent to all PC functions of

          one argument.



          Let g(X) be a PC function of one argument.   

          Let S = {n | g(n) is defined}

          This set is RE.


          Let P(X) be a computable predicate.

          Let  S = {n | P(n) is true}

          Then, this set is Recursive


          Observe following characteristics of RE sets:


          1. A set is Recursive if and only if it and its complement are RE.

          2. If two sets R and S are RE then the following is each RE:

                   their Union

                   their Intersection

          3. An RE set may not be Recursive.

          4. The Membership question: Predicate Member(R,x)

Given a set R and a possible member x, the question of whether or not x is indeed

a  member of the set

                   Member(R,x) is computable if R is Recursive but not if R is RE (not always)


          Enumeration of all RE sets


          Let Wn  = { x |  f (x,n) is defined}


Note that above set Wn  is RE and it DOES correspond to a PC function of one argument

computed by a program whose number is n.

Also that when a program has more than one input variable,

we can assume that the program computes a PC function of just one argument

by assuming that only one input variable actually takes on an input value and

all other input variables are zero initially.


All non-negative integers represent

a.  all programs with any number of input variables.

b.  all PC functions of any number of arguments.

c.  all PC functions of exactly one argument.

d.  all RE sets of numbers:




W0 ,   W1 ,   W2 ,     W3 , …,     Winfinity                                                     


As above enumeration certainly contains all RE sets of numbers, for any given RE set R,

it is the case that there is at least one k such that

          R = Wk


Now we would like to identify a set that is RE but not Recursive.


Consider a set:     K = {x | x is in  Wx }

That is, if j is in this set K, it is also in its corresponding RE set, Wj

as we can have any number j corresponding to the set Wj


Now, we claim that the complement of this set K is not RE,

and hence K is not Recursive while it is RE.


THM4.7 (page-82) just says that.

The set K is RE but not Recursive.


Proof: (By contradiction)


Assume that ~K is RE.

So, there must an integer j such that  ~K =  Wj

Look us look at this integer j (as it is suspicious)

There are two possibilities regarding its belonging:

Case-1: j is in Wj

          Case-2: j is not  in Wj

Case-1:  j is in  Wj  so it must be in K by the definition of the set K

           But we are assuming that it is not in K by the definition of  Wj 

           A contradiction.

Case-2: j is not in  Wj  , so it must not be in K from the def of the set K.

          But we are assuming that it is in K from the def of   Wj             

          Again, a contradiction.



Equivalence among Ranges of functions:

            THM4.11 (page-84)

          Let R be a non-empty RE sets.

          The following are all the same:

                   The set R

                   The range of a certain PR function.

                   The range of a certain Computable function.

                   The range of a certain PC function.


          This comes from THM 4.8, THM4.9 and THM 4.10


          1. THM 4.8

          For any RE set B, we have the following equality:

          B =  {x |  (%t) R(x,t)) for a PR predicate.

          (Because R(x,t) can be STP(x,y,t) where y is the program corresponding to

           this RE set B and this STP() is PR)


          2. THM4.9

          For any non-empty RE set B, we have the following equality:

          B = {f(n) for n=0,1,2,3, ..., infinity} for a certain PR function.

          (That is, B is the range of this PR function)

          Key for the Proof: Using above PR predicate R(x,t) and picking an arbitrary

          element, say k, of this RE set B (since this set B is nonempty).

          We define the needed PR function f(x) as follows:

f(x) =          l(x) if R(l(x),r(x))

          k otherwise 

                   a. This function is PR. (We used Definition-by-Cases Operation)

                   b. Every f(x) is in this set B, from the very def of this function above.

                   c. Every element of B is the same as f(x) for some x.

                             Let k be in B.

                             Then R(k,t) is true for some t, and hence k is f(<k,t>)

                                 If R(k,t) is true R(l<k,t>, r<k,t>) is true and

                                 f(<k,t>) is the same as l(<k,t>) which k


          3. THM4.10

          For any PC function, f(x), we have a certain RE set B

          such that B = {f(x) | f(x) is defined}, that is, the set B is the same as

          the range of this PC function.

          Key idea for proof:

          Find a corresponding PC function to this RE set we need.

          Define a function g(x) = 1 if x is in B, namely if x is f(u) for some u

                                              =  undefined otherwise, that is, if x is not in B.

Now, if this function g() is PC, then the set B is RE by the definition of

RE sets.

All we have to do is to show that g() is PC, namely, find a program.

          Key idea for constructing this Program:

          Given an input X, this program must check whether a program q

          computing the PC function f(u) stops (by possibly indefinitely

          incrementing the step counter of the STP()) for any u and when

          the program q stops it checks to see if the input X is the same as f(u).

          This program stops only when

          1. the program q stops for a certain input u of its own and

          2. the input X is the same as f(u) computed by q.

          So, this program must increment two values, x and t, in repeatedly checking

          STP(x,q,t) for checking the program q stops.          


Note that as long as the ranges of functions are concerned, PC functions are

          no different from PR functions or from Computable functions, as a group.



THM5.1 (Parameter Theorem): Page-83

Key idea:  Finding a systematic way of eliminating any number of arguments of a

     function while preserving the identity of the function.

               The resulting new function with fewer arguments is a very special

               case of the original function.


For any n and m>=1, we have

f (X1,X2, ..., Xm, U1, U2, ..., Un, y)  =   f (X1,X2, ..., Xm,

Snm (U1,U2, ..., Un, y))  

where  Snm (U1,U2, ..., Un, y)  is PR.


Note that while the LHS of above equality shows a Universal function for functions

of m+n arguments the RHS shows one of m arguments.


An Example of non-RE set


          Let TOT =  {y | ($x) f (x,y) is defined}

So, this is the set of all programs that compute a total function (hence a Computable), each.


          THM6.1 (page-90)

          The set TOT is not RE.


          Proof: By contradiction.                                               

1.  Assuming that it were RE.

          2.  There is a computable function g(x) since TOT is not empty such that

               TOT = {g(0), g(1), g(2), g(3), ..., } and every program computing a computable

                            function of one argument is g(k), for some k, and is in this set.

          Trick: Define a Computable function whose program cannot be in this set (and list).

          3.  Let h(x) =  f (x, g(x)) + 1 which is a function of one argument and by definition

               it is computable.

          4.  Let p be the number of a program that computes this function h(x).

          5. We claim that there is no k such that g(k) = p

              So, this function h(x) is not computable, which is a contradiction.

          6.  Now, how we claim that there is no k such that p = g(k)

               Suppose that there were a number k such that p=g(k) that is, the program p

               computes a total function.

               Let look at the fate of this mysterious number k.

                  a.  h(k) = f (k, g(k)) + 1 from def of h(x)

                  b.  h(k) = f (k, p) =  f (k, g(k)) from the def of universal functions.