COSC5315                          PROGRAM-3 (B)
	                               CSG-to-LBA Converter
	                                                         Due: 11/26/2013

	Consider the following CSG:

		S ---> 1 S X Y
		S ---> 1 2 Y
		Y X ---> X Y
		2 X ---> 2 2
		2 Y ---> 2 3
		3 Y ---> 3 3       where T = {1,2,3} and
		                         N = {S,X,Y}

	Task: Write a program that will take an arbitrary input
	      CSG and convert it to an equivalent LBA and print
	      out input CSG production rules and the resulting
	      LBA quadruples.

	Also, by hand, give a sequence of ID's of the resulting LBA 
	for accepting the following input string:  