COSC5315                                                                           Test-2                                                    4/23/2008



Name (Please PRINT, else you lose 5 points):_______________________________________


In this test, the following notations are used:


                 1. $:                       Universal Quantifier.

                 2. %:                      Existential quantifier.

                 3. ^:                       Conjunction operator. (AND)

                 4. +:                       Disjunction operator. (OR)

                 5. ~:                       Negation operator. (NOT)

                 6. ->:                      Implication operator (IMPLIES)

                 7. V,W,X,Y,Z:      A variable.

                 8. a,b,c,d:             A constant.

                 9. f,g,h:                 A function.

                10. P,Q,R,S:          A predicate Symbol.

                11. RE :                 Recursively Enumerable    

                12. CFG(L)            Context-Free Grammar (Language)

                13. DCFL:             Deterministic CFL

                14. WFF:               Well-formed formula (in any logic system)

15. l:                      The Empty-symbol


PART-A. Multiple Choices.                                                                                                             (72 points)


For each question in this PART-A, make exactly one choice by clearly writing down A,B,C,D,E,F or G(in capital) next to each question number and nowhere else.


First five questions are about the following CFG (Context-Free Grammar):

                                S ->  P  a  P

                                S ->  P  Q

                                S ->  a   T

                                P ->  Q  Q

                                P ->  S

                                T  ->  T  Q

                                Q ->  Q  T

                                Q ->  l  

                                Q ->  b  Q         


1.             Which is a useless grammar symbol?

                a.             P

                b.             T                                             c.  both.                                  d.  neither


2.             Which non-terminal is Nullable?

a.       P

b.       Q  and  S                                        c.  both.                                  d.  neither.


3.             Which production rule is to be added to this grammar as a result of eliminating empty-production-rule(s)?

a.       S ->  P  a

b.       S ->  a

c.        Q ->  b                                            d.  all above.         e.  two.                   f.  none above.


4.             Which production rule is to be added to this grammar as a result of eliminating Unit production rule(s)?

a.       S ->  S  a  S

b.       S ->  S  a  P                                    c.  both.                                  d.  neither.


5.             Which production rule is to be eliminated due to the elimination of useless symbol(s)?

                                a.             T  ->  T  Q

                                b.             Q ->  Q  T

                                c.             S  ->   a  T

                                d.             All above                               e.             two above.                            f.             none above.


6.             Which pair is equivalent?

                                a.     All DFSA’s and all Regular grammars.

                                b.     All  NPDA’s and all CFL’s                         c.  both.                                  d.  neither.


7.             Which pair is equivalent?

                                a.             All DFSA’s and all NFSA’s

                                b.             All NPDA’s by accepting states and all by the empty stack.

                                c.             All NPDA’s and all DPDA’s

                                d.             all above.                              e.             two above.                            f.  none above


8.             Which WFF’s are equivalent?

a.                   $X$Y(P(X)+Q(Y))

b.                   $X(P(X))+ $Y(Q(Y))

c.                    $Y$X(P(X)+Q(Y))               

d.                   all above.                              e.             two above.                            f.             none above.


9.             Which WFF’s are equivalent?

a.       %X%Y(P(X)^Q(Y))

b.       %X(P(X)) ^  %Y(Q(Y))

c.        %Y%X(P(X)^Q(Y))                    

d.       all above.                                      e.             two above.                            f.             none above.


10.        Which WFF is valid?

a.     $X$Y$Z  ((P(X)->Q(Y))^(Q(Y)->R(Z)) -> (P(X)->R(Z)))

b.        $Y%X (P(X,Y)) ->  %X$Y (P(X,Y))

c.         %X$Y (P(X,Y)) ->  $Y%X (P(X,Y))

d.        all above.                                     e.             two above.                            f.             none above.


11.          Which WFF is unsatisfiable?

a.             $X(P(X)) ^ ~P(a)

b.             %X$Y(P(X,Y)) ^ %Y$X (~(P(X,Y)))

c.                both.                                       d.             neither.


12.          Which WFF is stronger?

a.             $X(P(X)+Q(X))

b.             $X(P(X))+$X(Q(X))

c             neither.                                    d.             cannot tell. 


The next three questions are about the following language:

                { am bn cm  |  m,n >=1 }


13.          This language is

a.               CF

b.             DCF

c.             both                                        d.  neither.


14.          This language has infinitely many sufficiently long strings to satisfy

a.               the CFL Pumping Lemma.

b.               the Regular Language Pumping Lemma.

c.                Both.                                      d.  neither. 


15.          This language can be accepted by

a.             a DPDA by the empty-stack.

b.             an NPDA by the empty-stack.

c.             an NPDA by the final state(s).

d.               All above                               e.  two above.                      f.  none 


The next three questions are about the following DFSA with five states:

                (1, a, 1)

                (1, b, 2)

                (2, a, 3)

                (2, b, 4)

                (3, a, 2)

                (3, b, 5)

                (4, a, 5)

                (4, b, 4)

                (5, a, 4)

                (5, b, 5)    where each triple is (originating-state, input-symbol, terminating-state)

                                  and state-4 and state-5 are accepting.


16.          There is no “Distinguishing” string (which can be the empty-string) between

a.             state-1 and State-2

b              state-2 and state-3

c              state-4 and state-5

d              all above.                              e.  two above.                       f.  none above. 

17.          Which two states are equivalent?

a.             2 and 3

        b.             4 and 5                                  c.  both.                                  d.  neither.


18.          This DFSA accepts

a.             a ba*  b (b*  +  aa*  b)*       

b.             a* ba*  b (b*  +  aa*  b)*       

c.             a*  b a*  b  b*    

d.               none above.  


19.          Which is closed under both Union and Intersection?

a.             Type-3 (regular)  languages.

b.               DCFL’s 

c.               CFL’s

d.              All bove.                 e.  two above.                       f.  none above.


                                All students are honest and hard-working.

20           Which most adequately describes the above assertion?

a.       $X  (student(X) -> honest(X)^hard(X))

b.       %X (student(X) -> honest(X)^hard(X)) 

c.        $X  (student(X) ^ honest(X) ^ hard(X))

d.       %X (student(X) ^ honest(X) ^ hard(X))



For the next two questions, consider the initial input set of the following four clauses:

                                C1:         P(X) + Q(f(X))

                                C2:         ~Q(Y)

                                C3:         R(Z) + ~Q(c)

                                C4:         P(X) + ~S(V) + R(Z)


21.          Which two clauses can be resolved?

                a.             C1 and C2

                b.             C1 and C3

                c.             C2 and C3                            d.             all above.                              e.  two above.


22.          Which is the resolvent of C1 and C2?

                a.             P(f(X))

                b.             P(X)

                c.             both


23.          Which is solvable?

                a.             CFG Ambiguity problem

                b.             CFL Equivalence problem

                c.             Regular language equivalence problem.

                d.             all above.                              e.             two above.                            f.  none above.


24.          Which is solvable?

                a.             CFL Infinity problem and CFL Membership problem

                b.             CFL Emptiness problem.

                c.             deciding whether or not the complement of a DCFL is a DCFL.

                d.             all above.                              e.             two above.                            f.  none above.



PART-B.               Other problems                                                                                  (28 points)


                Do three  problems.


                A.            { an bn cm  |  m,n >= 1 }

                                Give a sufficiently long string of the above language and show a possible decomposition of

                                this string that satisfies the CFL Pumping Lemma.



                B.            Give all clauses for:             $X$Y%Z (~(P(X)^~R(Z)) -> (S(Y)+Q(Z)))



C.                  Give two DCFL’s whose union is not a DCFL.

And give two CFL’s whose intersection is not CF and give precise reason for that.


D.                  Give a necessary and sufficient condition for Regular Languages.

And, also give a necessary condition for CFL’s.


E.                   Prove that the following each is not Regular.

a.                   The set of strings of balanced parentheses. These are the strings of “(“ and “)” that can appear in a well-formed arithmetic expression.

b.                   L = {0n  | n is a prime}


F.                   Derive and clearly show the language accepted by the following DSFA with three states, 1, 2, and 3:

(1,  a,  2)

(1,  b,  1)

(2,  a,  2)

(2,  b,  3)

(3,  a,  2)

(3,  b,  1)    where only state-3 is accepting.


G.                  Give a CFL that is not deterministic.

And, show that it is not deterministic.