CSL and LBA (Linear Bounded Automata)


CSL:    A language defined by a CSG.

            CSG is a grammar in which the length of RHS of each rule is no smaller than that

            of the LHS.


We already know that every CSL is Recursive.


Now, we show that not every Recursive set is CS.


THM11.1.2, page-328

There is a Recursive language on alphabet {1} that is not CS.




Key ideas:

1.  Enumerating all CSG’s by representing all productions of each CSG

                 by a long string (and equivalently a large integer) on a five-letter alphabet

                 A = {/, N, b, >,1}

            2.  All nonternimals are coded as   N1 , N2 , N3 ,

            3.  Ni  is coded as Nbbb ... bbb

                                                   <- i times->

  a. Let  Li  be the CSL generated by the i-th CSG in this enumeration, where i=0,1,2,3,...

  b. Consider the language:

L = {1m   |  not in  Lm }

  c.  We claim that this language is not CS as it cannot be in this enumeration

       because it is different from any Nk   for any value of k.

  d.  But it is Recursive because

            1m   is  in L if and only if it is not in Lm

            and since Lm is CS,  “1m not in Lm“ is computable.

            So, “1m in L” is also computable. -> L is Recursive.



Accepting automata: LBA

1. An NTM with two endmarkers: left and right: {l , r}

2. No left move beyond the left-marker, l.

    And no right move beyond the right-marker, r. 

    In fact, more than that,

            Q l   R P

            Q r   L P

             Above are the only permissible quadruples when the current tape symbols is

            either l or r.

3. These two end-markers are NOT to be erased or inserted during any computations.

4. Final State, Qf   , for which no quadruple is defined.

5. Acceptance is only by this final state.

    Immediately entering this final state, the TM (LBA) is to automatically stop in accepting

    the given input string and this is the only way an LBA accepts an input string.

6. Also, initially an LBA is scanning the leftmost input symbol just to the right of the

    left end-marker.

    Formally, an LBA accepts a string U in T* if and only if 


            (1, Q1   ,  lUr ) -> ( k, Qf  , lU’r)

            where the first component specifies the current tape position number,

            the second component specifies the current state and the last specifies

            the current tape contents surrounded by the two end-markers.


Equivalence of CSL’s and LBA


THM2.1 : A language L on the alphabet A is CS if and only if there exists an LBA M such that L = LA  (M)  (The subscript A refers to strings only on the alphabet A in case in case the TM alphabet includes symbols not in A)


  Lemma1: From a given CSG G with terminal set T, we can get an equivalent LBA M

  such that L(G) = LT (M)

  Lemma2: From Lemma1, it follows that given any CSL L on the alphabet A, we can

  get an equivalent LBA such that L = LA  (M).

  The only concern is when L has l .

  For this, we can include the following quadruple to the resulting LBA:

            Q1    r   L   Qf


  Proof of lemma-1: Construction of an LBA M equivalent to a given arbitrary CSG G.


a.       G has T and N (and S is the Start symbol)

b.      T + N becomes the alphabet of M

c.       G has m productions:

For each production,  ui   ->   v i    ;  i=1,2, …, m

         we let   ui  =   a i 1      a i 2      a i 3   a i ki     

         and       vi  =    b i 1    b i 2      b i 3  ...   b i li

         and       a i ki+1   =    ai ki+2      =  … =    a i li   =  B  in case    ki < li

d.      States of M

·         Q1: Initial state

·         s :  Search state (to repeatedly search for the  bi 1  for any i  to initiate    

             Production Undoing


·         s :  Return state (to reset the TM such that it enters Q1 pointing to the 

             leftmost tape symbol (and not the left end-marker)

·         pi j  :  Undoing state (for i=1,2,…m  and j=1,2,…, li) to precisely select 

               bi j   to replace it with  ai j  

·         qi j  :  Undoing state (for j=1,2, …, li-1) to move right before entering  

                        pi j+1


·         t, t : Termination state to enter the Final state,  Qf     after confirming

               that the tape contains nothing but S, the start symbol of the CSG.

·         Qf  :   Final state.


e.       Quadruples of M: Four phases:

(1) Initialization

                Q1       a          a          s             

                        Q1       a          a          t          for every a in (T+N+{B}) but endmarkers


(2) Search (To locate the leftmost symbol of the RHS of any production rule 

                   to initiate Production Undoing phase by entering a pi 1  state)

                  The search state will initially point to the leftmost tape symbol not

                  the left end-marker.

            s          a          R          s          for every a in (T+N+{B}) but endmarkers


            s          r          L          s

            s          bi 1          bi 1          pi 1          for every i=1,2, …, m 

            _                                  _

            s          a          L          s          for every a in (T+N+{B}) but endmarkers


            s          l          R          Q1          


(3) Production Undoing

            pi j          bi j          ai j          qi j         for i=1,2…,m and j=1,2…, li-1

            qi j          ai j          R             pi j+1      for i=1,2…,m and j=1,2…, li-1


            pi li         bi li         ai li         s           (for i=1,2…,m) to initiate Search phase

                                    after undoing the last symbol of a production rule.

            pi j          B          R             pi j         (for i=1,2…,m and j=2,3,…, li) to

                                    skip all intervening blanks in looking for the next

                                    symbol of the same rule’s RHS string.


(4) Termination (Initially, the first termination state, t , points to the leftmost tape

      symbol not the left end-marker)

      During this phase, the TM enters the final state   Qf   if and only if the tape

      contains nothing but the grammar start symbol and the two end markers and



            t          B          R          t


            t          S          R          t     

            _                                  _

            t          B          R          t     


            t          r          R          Qf             


From the construction of this LBA, The LBA will enter its final state if and only if

the final tape contents contains nothing but the start symbol, S, of the CSG to indicate that there is a derivation of the input string starting from S by this CSG.


So far, we only showed the half of the equivalence of CSL’s and LBA

The other half is to show that we can get a CSG that is equivalent to a given arbitrary LBA. Lemma-5, page-336 shows this.



Closure Properties of CSL’s


CSL’s are closed under

1.          Set union (THM1.3, page-329)

Proof: We want to identify a CSG that defines the union of any two given


a.       Assume that given two CSL’s are defined by two CSG’s, G1 and G2

b.      Assume further that the nonterminal sets of G1 and G2 are disjoint, i.e., there is no common nonterminal to both grammars.

c.       The grammar we want will include all production rules of G1 and G2

and additionally the following rules:

                        S -> S1             // S1 is the Start symbol of G1

                        S -> S2             // S2 is the Start symbol of G2


2.          Set intersection (THM3.1, page 337) 

3.          Complementation : For a long time, it was not known.

THM3.3, page-343

4.          Concatenation

5.          Positive (transitive) closure.



Open problem:

Is there any CSL that is not accepted by a DLBA???

            That is, DLBA = NLBA??? Or

            CSL’s = DLBA???