COCS5340                 Final		12/11/2001.



	1. $:	Universal Quantifier.
	2. %:	Existential quantifier.
	3. ^:	Conjunction operator. (AND)
	4. +:	Disjunction operator. (OR)
	5. ~:	Negation operator. (NOT)
	6. ->:	Implication operator (IMPLIES)
	7. T,U,V,W,X,Y:    A variable.
	8. a,b,c:	   A constant.
	9. f,g,h:	   A function.
       10. P,Q,R,S:        A predicate.
       11. #:		   The Empty-symbol

	PART-A. True/False Questions			(80 points)

	For the first five questions, refer to the following DPDA, M:
		(Q0, a, Z) -> (Q1, XZ)
		(Q1, a, X) -> (Q1, XX)
		(Q1, b, X) -> (Q1, #)
		(Q1, c, Z) -> (Q2, Z)
		(Q2, c, Z) -> (Q2, Z)  where Q2 is the accepting state.
	1.	If we exchange the accepting state with non-accepting
		states, the resulting acceptor will accept the complement of
	2.	Any string in L(M) must have exactly as many a's as b's.
	3.	The following grammar defines L(M):
			S -> a R b R C
			R -> a R b R	|  #
			C -> c C	|  c

	4.	The above CFG can be converted into an equivalent unambiguous
		grammar if it is ambiguous.
	5.	The complement of L(M) is also CF.


	6.	The following two clauses can be resolved:
			P(X,Y) + Q(T,Y)
			~P(a,b) + ~Q(a,f(U))
	7.	The resolvent of any two given clauses is logically
		equivalent to the conjunction of the two clauses rather than
		following from their conjunction.
	8.	Each of the following is a clause:
			P(a) + Q(b)
	9.	P(T) is the resolvent of the following two clauses: 
	10.	If the Emptiness Problem of DCFL's is decidable, then so is
		that of their complements.
	11.	If the complement of a CFL L is not CF, then L is not a
	12.	Every DCFL with or without the Prefix Property has an LR(0)
		grammar defining it.
	13.	DCFL's are closed under each of:
			Intersection with Regular sets
	14.	DCFL's are equivalent to LR(0) Grammars.

	15.	DCFL's are closed under any operation under which CFL's
		are closed as they are a subset of all CFL's.
	16.	The Normal Form for DPDA's is also applicable to NPDA's.
	17.	The Predicting Machine of a DPDA M and a DFSA A accepts
		the same language as M.
	18.	Given a DPDA, we can find an equivalent DPDA that scans
		any possible (but legitimate) input string in its entirety.
		The same can be said to any given NPDA. 
	19.	Given a NPDA by Final-State acceptance, it is decidable
		whether or not a final state reaches another final state (including
		itself) by consuming at least one input symbol.
	20.	The Final-State acceptance and the Empty-Stack acceptance
		are equivalent for NPDA's but not for DPDA's.

	PART-B. Multiple Choice Questions.

	 1. Which is complete?
		a. Unit Preference
		b. Input Strategy
		c. AF-Form Strategy	d. All 	   e. Two.	f. None

	 2. Which two clauses can be resolved?
		a. ~P(X) + Q(X)
		    P(a) + Q(f(T))
		b. ~P(a) + Q(Y)
		    R(X) + ~Q(X)	c. Both.	d. Neither

	 3. In the AF-Form strategy, two clauses can be resolved when
		a. both are an input clause.
		b. one is an ancestor of the other.
		c. just one is an input clause.
		d. All.		e. Two.		f. None

	 4. 	~P(X) + Q(X)
		 P(a) + R(Y)
	    A resolvent of above two clauses is
		a. Q(X) + R(Y)
		b. Q(a) + R(Y)		c. Both.	d. Neither.

	 5. 	%X (P(X) -> Q(X))
		($X(P(X))) -> %X(Q(X))
		a. First implies the second.
		b. Second implies the first.
		c. Two are equivalent.		d. None

	 6.	$X%Y (P(X) -> Q(Y))
		%Y$X (P(X) -> Q(Y))
		a. First implies the second.
		b. Second implies the first.	
		c. Two are equivalent.		d. None

	 7.	$X ($Y(P(X,Y) -> P(X,a)))
	    Which is a model for above?
		a. P(X,Y)=(X=Y)  and D={a,b}
		b. P(X,Y)=(X<>Y) and D={a,b}	c. Both.	d. Neither.

	 8.	%X ($Y(P(X,Y) -> P(X,a)))
	    Which is a model for above?
		a. P(X,Y)=(X=Y) and D={a,b}*    NOTE * is a superscript.
		b. P(X,Y)=(X<>Y) and D={a,b}*
		c. Both.	d. Neither.

	 9. Which Semi-Thue process has a solvable Word problem?
		a. a->aa	b. a->aa	c. ab->ba
		   b->bb	   aa->a	   ba->ab
		d. All.		e. Two.		f. None

	10. CSL's without the Empty-String are closed under
		a. Union and Intersection, each.
		b. Complementation (without inducing the Empty-String)
		c. Set Difference (A-B)	  d. All.  	e. Two

	11. For a given arbitrary CSG G, which is solvable?
		a. Ambiguity problem.
		b. whether an arbitrary string is in L(G)
		c. whether L(G) is empty.
		d. All.		e. Two.		f. None.

	12. For a given arbitrary grammar G, which is solvable?
		a. whether an arbitrary string is in L(G).
		b. whether L(G) is infinite.
		c. whether L(G) is Recursive.
		d. All.		e. Two.		f. None.

	13. For a given arbitrary DTM M, which is solvable?
		a. SIGMA(M) Word problem.
		b. THETA(M) Word problem.
		c. whether L(M) is RE.
		d. All.		e. Two.		f. None

	14. For a given arbitrary DTM M, which is solvable?
		a. whether M stops on the empty input string.
		b. whether M stops on an input string that represents
		   M itself.
		c. whether M reaches an arbitrary state of its own on
		   an arbitrary input string.
		d. All.		e. Two.		f. None.

	15. For a given arbitrary NDTM M, which is solvable?
		a. whether any one possible sequence of moves accepts
		   an arbitrary input string.
		b. whether every possible sequence of moves accepts 
		   an arbitrary input string.
		c. Both.	d. Neither.

	16. For a given arbitrary LBA M, which is solvable?
		a. whether the Empty-String is in L(M).
		b. whether L(M) is empty.
		c. whether L(M) includes all possible strings on the
		   input alphabet except the Empty-String.
		d. All.		e. Two.		f. None.

	17. For given two LBA M1 and M2, which is solvable?
		a. whether L(M1).L(M2) (their concatenation) is CS
		b. whether L(M1)^L(M2) has the Empty-String.
		c. whether L(M1)^L(M2) is empty.
		d. All.		e. Two.		f. None.

	PART-C. Other problems				(40 points)
	A. In no more than 12 lines, give some key ideas behind
	   reducing a Word problem to a PCP.

	B. Consider the following argument:
		Suppose we have a non-empty set S of some languages.
		If this S is closed under
		a. complementation and 
		b. union, respectively, 
		then it is also closed under intersection.
	   Prove this argument by the Resolution.
	   Use the following functions:
		1. U(L1,L2) for the union of two lanuages L1 and L2.
		2. Int(L1,L2) for the intersection of the two languages.
		3. Comp(L1) for the complement of L1
	        Note that U(L1,L2) = Comp(Int(Comp(L1),Comp(L2)))
		    and Int(L1,L2) = Comp(U(Comp(L1),Comp(L2)))
	   Use the following predicate plus some others you need:
	 	In(L) to mean that L is in the set.

	C.	L = {ambncK | m,n,k>=1 and (k<=m or k<=n)}
			Note that m,n,k are each a superscript.

		Show that L, above, is a CFL but that MAX(L) is not 

	D.	Consider the following argument:
			P1: ($X$Y)    (P(X,Y) -> P(Y,X))
			P2: ($T$U$W)  (P(T,U)^P(U,W) -> P(T,W))
			P3: ($V%Z)    P(V,Z)
			Conclusion:   ($X) P(X,X)

		Show that the argument is valid by Resolution.

	E.	Give a CFL that is not a DCFL.
		And, show that it is, in fact, not a DCFL.