Inhomogeneous Recurrences


a0tn  +  a1tn-1 + a2tn-2  +  aktn-k  =   bn p(n)

where b is a constant and p(n) is a polynomial in n of degree d. 


General solution is obtained by solving the following equation:

            (a0xk  +  a1xk-1  +  a2xk-2  + … + ak) (x-b)d+1 = 0



   Function Hanoi(m,i,j)

   // move m(smallest) rings from rod i to rod j by way of rod 6-i-j.

       if m>0

               { Hanoi(m-1,i,6-i-j);

                  write “move ring “, m, “ from rod “, i, “ to rod “, j;



               // end of function Hanoi


    Recurrence Relation


        tm   = a if m=0

              = 2tm-1+b otherwise.


         So, (x-2)= b =1m * b . 

So b=1 and p(m)= b which is of degree 0 (d=0).

            (x-2)(x-1)1  = 0.

             x=2 and x=1

            General solution:    tm = c1*2m + c2*1m  =  c1*2m + c2                     

            We find that

1.                                                                  c1+c2      =a       (which is t0)

2.                                                                  2*c1+c2=2a+b (which is t1)

3.                                                                  c1=  a+b

4.                                                                  c2=  -b           

            So, tm = (a+b)*2m -b  and O(tm) =  2m                     


Using the ordinary generating function.


            t0    = a

            tm   = 2tm-1 + b , for m>=1


            inf.               inf.                  inf.

S  tm xm  = 2 S  tm-1 xm   + b S xm               

            m=1             m=1                m=1 


            G(x) - t0 =   G(x) - a  = 2xG(x) + bx/(1-x)

            G(x) = a/(1-2x)  + bx/((1-x)(1-2x))

            G(x) = a/(1-2x)  + b(1/(1-2x)-1/(1-x))

                     = (a+b)/(1-2x)  - b/(1-x)  

            So,   tm = (a+b)*2mb*1m, the same result.


In general, if we have recurrences of the form:

  a0tn  +  a1tn-1 + a2tn-2  +  aktn-k  =  b1n p1(n) + b2n p2(n) + … +  bmn pm(n)

where polynomials, p(n), on RHS are of degree d1, d2, and dm,


we can solve this by solving the following characteristic polynomial:

   (a0 xk  + a1 xk-1  + … + ak) (x-b1) d1+1 (x-b2) d2+1   (x-bm) dm+1                   



Tn    =  0 if n=0

            2 Tn-1  + n + 2n   if n>=1             

            So,  T0 = 0,  T1 = 3,  T2  =  12 and  T3  = 35, which we may need later.


And, then the characteristic polynomial turns out to be:

(x-2) (x-1)2 (x-2) =  (x-2)2 (x-1)2   =  0

General solution is:  Tm  =  c12m  + c2 m2m  + c31m  +  c4 m1m   

Now, to get the particular solution, we need to find particular values of c’s that

Satisfy the first four values of T’s,   T0 ,  T1 , T2 , and  T3.    

 T0 =  0  =   c1  +  c3  

and  c1  =  -c3.                                      (a)

 T1 =  3  =  2c1  + 2c2  + c3  +  c4   =  -2c3  + 2c2  + c3  +  c4,

              c3  = 2c2  + c4 - 3                                           (b)

T2 =  12 =  4c1  + 8c2  + c3  +  2c4                

T3 =  35 =  8c1  + 24c2  + c3  + 3c4          

From (a), (b) and T2, we have   2c2  -  c4 = 3.

From (a), (b) and T3,  we have 10c2  - 4c4  = 14.

From the last two equations, we get   c4 = -1,  c2 = 1, c3 = -2 and c1 =2.  

 So,  the particular solution is: 

Tm  =  2*2m  + m2m  - 2*1m  - m1m   

      =  2m+1    + m2m  - m - 2

and  O(Tm) = m2m.


Change of Variables: Useful especially when the parameter changes

by a geometric progression like halving



            T(n) = 4T(n/2) + n2   where n>=2 is a power of 2.

            Let n = 2i  and  ti  = T(n) = T(2i)  and T(n/2) = T(2i-1) = ti-1

So, the recurrence becomes:   

                        ti  = 4ti-1  + (2i)2  = 4ti-1  + 4i 

            From above, we get  tm  =  a*4m  + b*m4m   

           The two above arbitrary constants a and b can be solved

from two initial conditions  t0 and t1.

           And, from n = 2i  and  ti  = T(n) = T(2i), we get

                       T(n) = a n2+ bn2 log n      


Example2: (Simpler one by Iteration) 

            T(n) = T(n/2) + n   where n>=2 is a power of 2 and T(1)=c.

            Just like Example1 above, we can use “Change of variables” method.

            But, in this case, we can just use an iteration method due to the

            simplicity of recurrence relation.

           Since n is a power of 2, n=2k   for some integer k.

           T(n) = T(2k) =  2k +  T(2k-1)  =  2k + 2k-1 + T(2k-2) =  2k + 2k-1 + 2k-2 + T(2k-3)

                   =  2k + 2k-1 + 2k-2 + 2k-3 + T(2k-4) = 2k + 2k-1 + 2k-2 + 2k-3 + …+ 21 + T(20)  

        =  2k + 2k-1 + 2k-2 + 2k-3 + …+ 21 + T(1)

        =  2k+1  - 2 + c =  2n - 2 + c

So,  T(n) = O(n) and also Ω(n).     

It is noteworthy that due to the fact that T(n) is monotonically non-decreasing

the above result, T(n) = O(n) and also Ω(n), holds even when n is not

a power of 2.

How would you show that T(n) is monotonically non-decreasing, that is,

T(n) >= T(n-1) for every n>=2???               


 Ω Notation: (Lower Bounds)


 f(n) is in (g(n)) if and only if  f(n) >= c1 (g(n)) for  all n>= c2. 


 This is exactly analogous to the definition of O(n) as  

 f(n) is in O(g(n)) if and only if  f(n) <= c1 (g(n)) for  all n>= c2.   


Main Recurrence Theorem.

Let a, b, and k be integers such that a>=1, b>=2 and k>=0.

In the following, n/b denotes either the floor function or the ceiling function.

In the case of the floor function, the initial condition T(0)=u is given.

And, in the case of the ceiling function, the initial condition T(1)=u  is given.

If  T(n) <= aT(n/b) + f(n) and  f(n)=O(nk ) ---Rec.1.1

then  T(n) = O(nk )          if a< bk  ,

                 = O(nk log n)  if a= bk  ,

                 = O(n log b a )   if a >bk          

Note that if Rec.1.1 above is an equality (instead of an inquality) then the Ө-notation will

replace the O-notation.



 T(n) <= T(floor(n,2)) + T(ceiling(n,2)) + n2 .

 Assume that T(n) is nondecreasing.

 Since T(n) is nondecreasing,  T(floor(n,2)) <= T(ceiling(n,2)).

 So, T(n) <= 2T(ceiling(n,2)) + n2.

 Applying the above Theorem with a = b = k = 2, we have T(n) = O(n2 ) as a < bk .