COSC5313                             Test-1                              3/21/2012      


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Part-A.           Multiple Choice Questions.                                                   (75 points)


Answer all 25  questions by writing down your best choice to the left of each question number in CAPITAL such as A, B, C, D, or F.  Each question is three points worth.



For the first five questions, consider the following LP problem in the standard form:


      Minimize  3*x1 -  x2  +x3  subject to:


                  x1                            +  x5            =   b1

                        x2       +    x4                                        =   b2        

                                     x3             + 2x5        =   b3

                        x1, x2 , x3 , x4 , x5     >=  0


Assume that, for the first four questions, b1=b2=b3=10.


  1. Which set of basic variables represents a feasible solution?

a.                   x1, x2, x4

b.                  x1, x2, x5                         

c.                   x3, x4, x5                         

d.                  all above.                           e.  two above.              f.  none


  1. For the next two questions suppose that the initial basis is formed by x1, x2 and x3.

In this case, which non-basic variable is to become basic next?

a.         x4                           b.    x5                                     c.  cannot tell


  1. In the above case, which basic variable is to become non-basic next?

a.         x1                           b.   x2                          c.  x3               d.  none.


  1. How many additional variables are to be introduced  when this problem is converted  to a Two-Phase Simplex version?

a.                   3

b.                  4

c.                   5                           

d.                  None of above.


  1. Which is true  if  b1 = b2 = 10 and b3 =  -10 ?

a.                   the objective function has an optimal minimum value.

b.                  the objective function has no feasible value (i.e., the objective function has no defined value satisfying all constraints)

c.                   both.                                  d. neither.



  1. Which is in O(n2)?

a.                   2*n2 + 10*n

b.                  n *log (n3)                                      c. both.                        d. neither.

  1. Suppose that g(n) = W(f(n))  . Which is true in this case?

a.                   f(n) = O(g(n))

b.                  g(n) = q (f(n)/n)                             c. both.                        d. neither.

  1.  O(f(n)+2*g(n)) is the same as

a.                   max(O(f(n)), O(g(n)))

b.                  O (g(n))                                         c. both.                        d. neither.

  1. Given a fixed number of balls and of cells, respectively, which count is the smallest?

a.                   YNN(n,k)

b.                  YNY(n,k)

c.                   YYN(n,k)                                      d. cannot tell. 

  1. Which is the count of YNY(n,k) when exactly two cells are unoccupied assuming that k >= 3.  

a.                   k*(k-1)*YNN(n,k-2)/2

b.                  k*YNN(n,k-2)                              c. both.                        d. neither.


  1.             e2x

a.                   it is the exponential generating function for the sequence, (1, 2, 22, 23, 24    … )

b.                  it is the ordinary generating function for the sequence, (1, 2/1!, 22/2!, 23/3!, 24 /4! …)

c.                   both.                                  d.         neither.


  1.             a0t(m) + a1t(m-1) + a2 t(m-2) = 4m * m3  

 For the above recurrence relation, the characteristic function is

a.                   (a0 x2 + a1 x+ a2) (x-4)3  

b.                  (a0 x2 + a1 x+ a2) (x-4)4  

c.                   neither.       


  1.             (x-2)(x-3)3  =  0

Suppose that above is the characteristic function for a recurrence relation.

In this case, the general solution is, for some constants, c1, c2, c3, and c4,

a.                   c1*2m  + c2*3m      

b.                  c1*2m  + c2*3m  +  c3*m*3m

c.                   c1*2m  + c2*3m  +  c3*m*3m  + c4* m2 * 3m

d.                  none above.                


      14.  Which is a characteristic of Chromatic Polynomials?

a.       The sum of all coefficients equals zero unless  the polynomial has just one term. 

b.      The coefficient of the second highest exponent term is negative and its absolute value equals the number of edges of the graph.

c.       both.                                              d.   neither.


      15.  Which is a Chromatic polynomial?

a.       x4  -  3x3   + 2x2     

b.      x4  -  3x3   + 3x2   - x

c.       both.                                  d.   neither.


      Next three questions are about a board B of size 5-4 with three available squares:

                        (1, 1)

                        (2, 2)

                        (5, 4)


16.  R(B), Rook Polynomial,  is

a.       1 + 3x  +  3x2     

b.   1 + 3x  +  3x2   + x3     

c.    1 + 3x  +  4x2                                       d.         None


17.  Let B’ be the complement of this board B.  The coefficient of the highest exponent term of R(B’), Rook 

     Polynomial,  is

a.       5*4*3*2 – 3*4*3*2 + 3*3*2 - 1

b.      5*4*3*2 – 3*4*3*2 + 3*3*2 – 2

c.       5*4*3*2 – 3*4*3*2 + 3*3*2 – 3*2

d.      none                                                                                                                


18.  The count of all possible placements of four rooks onto this board (assuming that all 20 squares are available) is


a.    5*4*3*2

b.   4*4!

c.    4!

d.                                                                                                                             None of above.



                 T(n) = T(n/2)+n where n >=2 is a power of 2 and T(1)=1.

            In this case, T(n) is

a.       Linear

b.      Polynomial of degree at least 2.

c.       Log n

d.      None above. 


19.    Suppose that we have a line segment connecting three points, A, B, and C in that order and  that

         AC/AB equals the Golden Ratio.

         In this case, which is also the Golden Ratio?

a.       AB/BC

b.      BC/AB

c.       AC/BC

d.      Two above.                                   e.         none above.


    20.   The time complexity of the Simplex Algorithm is

            a.         exponential in theory

            b.         linear in practice

            c.         both.                            d.         neither.


    21.   Suppose that T(m) = O(f(m)) (or more precisely, T(m) is in O(f(m)) ).

            In this case, there are two constants, c1 and c2, such that

a.             T(m) <= c2 * f(m) for m >= c1

b.            T(m) >= c2 * f(m) for m >= c1

c.             Both.                           d.         neither.


22.                    for (k=1; k<=n; k++)

                      for (m=1; m<=k; m++)

                         for (j=1; j<=n; j++)

                                 cout << 1000*k + 100*m + 10*j;

         The time complexity of the above is

a.       O(n3)  

b.      O(n2)  

c.       O(n4)  

d.      None above.


23.        The time complexity of above (Question #22) is

a.        Omega(n2)  

b.       Omega(n3)  

c.        Omega (n4)

d.      None above.


       For the next two questions, consider the following five points in the plane (2-dimensional):

                  P1:       3,  1.5

                  P2:       2,  1

                  P3:       4,  2

                  P4:       4,  3

                  P5:       5,  1.5   


24.         Which is a convex combination for p1?

a.                   0.5*p2 + 0.5*p3

b.                  0.5*p2 + 0.5*p4                      c. both.                        d. neither.


25.         Which point cannot be inside the convex hull formed by other points?

a.                   p1

b.                  p5

c.                   p4                   

d.                  all above.                                 e.   p4 and p5.                         f.   none above.


PART-B.    Other problems.                                                 (25 points)


 Do three problems.


A.  You have six distinguishable men and four indistinguishable women.

1.    In how many different ways do you distribute these men to these women so that exactly one woman does not get a man at all?

2.    In how many ways do you distribute these men to women so that the four women get 1, 1, 1, and 3 men, respectively? 


B.   Consider a general solution:  an = c12n + c24n  + c3n4n + c4n24n  for any values of  c1, c2, c3, and c4.                  

Find a particular solution assuming  four initial conditions: a0=0,  a1= a2=1, and  a3=2.



C.      Give the Time Complexity function for:

int what (int k)

{        if (k==0 || k==1) return k; 

          else  return  what(k-1)*what(k-2);




D.     Prove the following:    cR (n, k) =  c(n+k-1, k)


E.     Solve the following recurrence using an ordinary generating function:

                             t(m) =  4t(m-1) –4t(m-2), m>=2.

                             Assume that we have initial conditions, t(0) and t(1).


F.    Compute the number of possible passcodes of length 5 when up to 3 a’s and up to 2 b’s and up to 1 c are used.



G.      Minimize   x1 +  10*x2  - 4*x3  subject to:


        x1         +      x3              +   x5   =   100

              x2                - x4       +   x5    =   20

           x1, x2 , x3 , x4 , x5     >=  0


         Choose x1 and x2 for the initial basis and Find the first two basic feasible solutions and values of the objective
