COSC4307             TEST-2               Summer 2004





NOTE: 1.    Alpha:      A string of grammar symbols, possibly empty.

      2.    Lambda:     The empty-string.

      3.    A -> Alpha: A production rule of a CFG.

      4.    RHS:        Right-hand side

      5.    S.F:        Sentential Form.

      6.    R.S.F:      Rightmost sentential form

7.    CFG:        Context-Free Grammar.

      8.    OPR:        Operator Precedence Relation

      9.    SPR:        Simple Precedence Relation


PART-A.     Multiple Choices.                               (72 points)


Answer 18 questions in this PART-A. Mark the BEST one choice in each question you choose and clearly cross out those four others you do not choose.


The first 12 questions are about the following CFG where each character is a

grammar symbol.


      S  ->  x R S            // Rule-1

      S  ->  y R              // Rule-2

      R  ->  ( )              // Rule-3

      R  ->  ( S )            // Rule-4

      R  ->  S z              // Rule-5


1.    The OPR “<” applies to

      a.    (  x

      b.    (  y              c.    both.             d.    neither.

2.    The OPR “>” applies to

      a.    )  )

      b.    )  z              c.    both.             d.    neither.

3.    The SPR “<” applies to

      a.    R  y

      b.    (  y              c.    both.             d.    neither.

4.    The SPR “>” applies to

      a.    )  x

      b.    )  y

      c.    z  x             

d.    all above.        e.    two above.        f.    none above.

5.    The SPR “=” applies to

      a.    (  S

      b.    S  )

      c.    R  S

      d.    all above.        e.    two above.        f.    none above.

6.    The grammar is

      a.    LL(1)

      b.    an Operator grammar.

      c.    both.             d.    neither.

7.    Which rule has the same PREDICT set as its FIRST set?

      a.    rule-1

      b.    rule-2

      c.    rule-5

      d.    all above.        e.    two above.        f.    none above.


8.    The FOLLOW set of the nonterminal R includes

      a.    )

      b.    z

      c.    x

      d.    all above.        e.    two above.        f.    none above.

9.    The Initial state (I0) of the SLR(1) parser includes

      a.    G -> . S (The LR(0) item from The augmented rule)

      b.    S -> . x R S

      c.    R -> . S z

      d.    all above.        e.    two above.        f.    none above.

10.   How many next states does the Initial state of the SLR(1) parser have?

      a.    2

      b.    3

      c.    4                 d.    none.

11.   Which is a R.S.F?

      a.    x R x R y R

      b.    y x R x R y R z

      c.    both.             d.    neither.

12.   Which is a S.F?

      a.    y y y R z

      b.    y ( y ( S ) )

      c.    both.             d.    neither.

13.   The PREDICT set of a production rule must be the same as its FIRST set if 

      a.    the grammar is LL(1)

b.                the production rule cannot derive the Empty-String even when the grammar

has Empty-production-rule(s).

      c.    Both.             d.    Neither.

14.         FOLLOW sets are used

      a.    in calculating PREDICT sets even when the grammar has no


      b.    as a basis for reductions in LALR(1) parsers.  

      c.    Both.             d.    Neither.


15.         In general, given a grammar, the LR(1) parser 

      a.    has more number of states than the SLR(1) parser does.

      b.    may have a conflict where the LALR(1) parser does.

      c.    Both.             d.    Neither.

16.   The syntax stack of SLR(1) Parsers

      a.    contain alternating grammar symbols and state numbers.

b.                have exactly twice as many symbols popped off as the length of

the RHS of a production rule by which a reduction is being made.

      c.    Both.             d.    Neither.

17.   The syntax stack contents of LL(1) parsers are

      a.    the entire leftmost S.F. at any time.

      b.    a proper prefix of a Leftmost S.F most of the time.

      c.    Both.             d.    Neither.

18.   A conflict in SLR(1) parsers can occur between

      a.    two Shifts.

      b.    one Reduction and one Shift in a state that is not inadequate.

      c.    one shift and one GOTO.

d.    all above.        e.    two above.              f.    none above.

19.   Which parse table's empty (blank) entry represents a syntax error?

      a.    LL(1) Parsers.

      b.    Recursive Descent Parsers.

      c.    both.             d.    neither.


20.   Which class represents a broadest class of deterministic parsers?

      a.    LR(1) parsers.

      b.    SLR(1) parsers.

      c.    LL(1) parsers.   

      d.    none.

21.   Which prevents a grammar from being LL(1)?

      a.    a left recursive rule, not necessarily direct.

      b.    a nonterminal with two disjoint PREDICT sets.

      c.    a terminal which is a member in two different FOLLOW sets.

      d.    all above.        e.    two above.        F.    none above.

22.   The contents of a syntax stack used by Operator Precedence-based parsers are,

      in general,

      a.    a suffix of the R.S.F.

      b.    a prefix of the R.S.F.

      c.    a prefix of a leftmost S.F.

      d.    None above.


PART-B.    Other problems                             (28 points)


Do two problems in this PART-B.


For problems in this PART-B, consider the following CFG:

      A ->  B  *  A

      A ->  A  +  B

      A ->  B

      B ->  b  B

      B ->  B  c  A

      B ->  a              // where each character is a grammar symbol.


A.                Calculate and clearly show FOLLOW set of each nonterminal of

      above grammar. Do not forget using the end-marker, $.


   B.    Give the description of each function of a Recursive descent parser

         for the above grammar.


   C.    Give the condition of LL(1) grammars.

         And, eliminate the (direct) left recursive rule(s) for the nonterminal ‘A’

         and clearly show the resulting new grammar. (Do not worry about the other
