COSC4307                    Program-5
	                     Recursive Descent Parser
							Due: Thursday, 11/12/2009.

	Consider the following Block-structured CFG:

	Source -->	Program Block .
	Block --->	BEGIN Body END
	Body --->	Body ; S
	Body --->	S
	S --->		Block
	S --->		PRINT Elist
	S --->		READ Ilist
	S --->		IF E THEN S FI
	S --->		V = E
	S --->		INTEGER Ilist
	S --->		REAL Ilist
	Ilist --->	Ilist , I
	Ilist --->	I
	Ilist --->	I (Clist )
	Ilist --->	Ilist , I (Clist)
	Clist --->	Clist , C
	Clist --->	C
	Elist --->	Elist , E
	Elist --->	E
	V --->		I
	V --->  	I ( Elist )
	E --->		E + T
	E --->		E - T
	E --->		T
	T --->		T * F
	T --->		F
	F --->		C
	F --->		V
	F --->		( E )

	NOTE: "I" Stands for an identifier which is a letter followed
	      by zero or more letters and/or digits, and "C" an unsigned
	      integer constant.

	Write a recursive descent parser that does the following:

	1. Read a source program and echo print it.
	2. Convert the input source program into a sequence of
	   token integers and print them out.
	3. Output all the statements which your parser finds in the input
	   source program in exactly the same order in which they are found.
	   These statements may be output in either token integers or 
	   original character strings.
	   For example, the given input program would yield the following
	   statements in that order:

		a. REAL X(10,20), Y1234
		b. INTEGER Longvariab, A, B, C, ABC, X123, ABC123
		c. READ  X123, ABC123
		d. READ Longvariab, ABC
		e. ABC123 = ABC123 + 1
		f. IF ABC123 - X123 THEN ABC123 = ABC123 + 1 FI
		g. Begin
		     READ Longvariab, ABC;
		     IF ABC123 - X123 THEN ABC123 = ABC123+1 FI
		h. And, so on !!!
	4. Print out the count of all the statements found.

	Input source program:

		  REAL X(10, 20), Y1234;
		  INTEGER LongVariable, A, B, C, ABC, X123, ABC123;
		  READ X123, ABC123;
		    READ  LongVariab, ABC;
		    IF ABC123-X123 THEN ABC123=ABC123+1  FI
		    END ;
		    Real ABC123, X ;
		    Read B, C, AbC123, X ;
		    X123 = ABC + X123 * ABC123 + X
		    End ;
	 	    Integer Y (10, 20, 30) ;
		    READ Y, X, Long,  Variab ;
	 	    X ( 10, 10 ) = X(1, 10) + Y (1, 10, 10) * LongVariab
		  End .