import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import java.util.Random;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;

public class ThreePanels extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    public static final int WIDTH = 900;
    public static final int HEIGHT = 600;

    private JPanel redPanel     =       new JPanel();
    private JPanel whitePanel   =       new JPanel();
    private JPanel bluePanel    =       new JPanel();
    private JButton myButton    =       new JButton("My-Button");
    private Random ranIntGen    =       new Random();
    // No-argument constructor ThreePanels()
    public ThreePanels( )
         * Hierarchy of GUI Classes (in java.awt and javac.swing packages)
         * AWT: an older package designed for windowing interfaces.
         * SWING: an improved version of the AWT package. 
         *        It did not completely replace AWT. Some AWT classes such as 
         *        Layout Manager, ActionEvent and ActionListener are still needed
         *        when using SWING packages.
         * --////////////////////////////////////////
         * Object:
         *      Component (Abstract class): AWT Package (Abstract Window Toolkit)
         *      BorderLayout
         *      FlowLayout
         *      GridLayout
         *  Component -> Container -> Window -> Frame -> JFrame (javac.swing)
         *  Component -> JComponent (javac.swing)
         *      JComponent (abstract class)
         *          JPanel
         *          JLabel
         *          JTextComponent (abstract class)
         *              JTextField
         *              JTextArea
         *          JMenuBar
         *          AbstractButton
         *              JButton
         *              JMenuItem
         *                  JMenu
         * The class Container and any of its descendent classes such as JFrame and 
         * JPanel can have components added to them. 
         * These components include JPanel, JLabel, JMenuBar, JButton and JTextArea
         * and JTextField.
         * JFrame: An object of class JFrame is what you think of as a window. It automatically has 
         * a border and some basic buttons for minimizing/maximizing the window and similar actions. 
         * It is a container and many components can be added to it.
         * Some JFrame methods:
         * 1.   Component add (Component addedComponent): of Class Container
         * 2.   void setDefaultCloseOperation (int operation)
         *      sets the action that will happen by default when the user clicks 
         *      the Close-Window button. The argument should be one of the following:
         *      a.  JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE
         *          JFrame do nothing. If there is any registered window listeners, 
         *          they are invoked.
         *      b.  JFrame.HIDE_ON_CLOSE
         *          Hide the frame after invoking any registered window listeners.
         *      c.  JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE
         *          Hide and dispose the frame after invoking any registered window listeners. 
         *          When a window is disposed, it is eliminated but the program 
         *          does not end. To end the program, the next argument should be used.
         *      d.  JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE
         *          Exit the application using the System exit method.
         *      If no action is specified, then the default action is HIDE_ON_CLOSE.
         * 3.   void setSize (int width, int height)
         *      Pixels are the units of measures.
         * 4.   void setTitle (String title)
         * 5.   void setLayout (LayoutManager manager)
         *      Some layout managers in java.awt package
         *      a.  FlowLayout
         *          Displays components from left to right in the order 
         *          in which they are added.
         *      b.  BorderLayout
         *          Displays components in five areas: north, south, east, west and center.
         *          The second argument of the add method specifies the area such as
         *              BorderLayout.SOUTH   or BorderLayout.CENTER
         *      c.  GridLayout
         *          Lays out components in a grid, with each component stretched
         *          to fill the grid.
         * 6.   void dispose()
         *      Eliminates the calling JFrame and all subcomponents. 
         *      But the program does not end if there are items left other than
         *      the calling JFrame and all subcomponents.     
        super("Three Panel Window");
        setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
        setLayout(new GridLayout(1,4));
        myButton.setBackground (Color.GREEN);




    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        int ran = ranIntGen.nextInt(3);
        redPanel.       setBackground (Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
        whitePanel.     setBackground (Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
        bluePanel.      setBackground (Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
        switch (ran)
          case 0:
          {  redPanel.   setBackground (Color.RED);
          case 1:
          {  bluePanel.  setBackground (Color.BLUE);
          case 2:
          {  whitePanel. setBackground (Color.WHITE);
          {  System.err.println ("ILLEGAL RANDOM INTEGER:::BYE");
             System.exit (0);
        }       // end of switch
    }           // end of actionPerformed()
    public static void main(String[] args)
        ThreePanels myWindow = new ThreePanels( );
}               // end of class ThreePanels