COSC3325                               Program-2B                              Due: 4/19/2007

                        Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Scheme



nFirst published Public-Key cryptosystem in 1976.

nA number of commercial products employ this technique.

nIts effectiveness and security depends on the difficulties of computing Discrete Logarithms.

nDiscrete Logarithm:

1. Each prime has one or more Primitive Roots less than itself.

    Example: 19 has 2, 3, 10, 13, 14, and 15 as its P.R.

    2 mod 19, 22 mod 19, 23 mod 19, 24 mod 19, …, and 218 mod 19 cover {1,2,…,18}

  2. The Discrete Logarithm of a number b for the base a (mod p)

        Any integer b can be represented by:

        b = r mod p where 0<=r<=p-1 for a given prime p.

        Now, for a given primitive root a of this prime, we have a unique number d

        (between 0 and p-1) such that b = ad (mod p) where 0<= d <= (p-1)   

  3. This exponent d is called the “Index” or the D.L. of the number b for the base a (mod p).


For p=19 and a=2.         100 = 216 (mod 19)

                                                200 = 217 (mod 19)

                                                300 = 211 (mod 19)  and  50 = 215 (mod 19)




Key Exchange algorithm.

n Step-1: Choose two global public elements:

                    a prime p and a primitive root r of p.

                    You can use 997 as the prime p, but you need to find a primitive root of this


n Step-2: User A public key generation.

                   Select private key Xa < p and calculate public key Ya = rXa  mod p

n    Step-3: User B public key generation. 

                   Select private key Xb < p and calculate public key Yb = rXb mod p

n    Step-4: User A Secret key generation:  

       Ka = YbXa  mod  p

n    Step-5: User B Secret key generation:   

       Kb = YaXb  mod p   (Both keys, Ka  and  Kb  should be the same.)


Output Requirements:


Your program should output the following:

1.       The prime number used like 997 or any one else you used.

2.       Its primitive root

3.       User-A private key selected and public key calculated.

4.       User-B private key selected and public key calculated.

5.       User-A secret key calculated and User-B secret key calculated.

(They must be the same)