COSC3325                               Program-1(B)               Due:  Wed., 3/4/2009   

                                        Prime number testing



1.         Public-key Encryption (such as RSA) needs large prime numbers for the

            public key.

2.         It is believed that there are some 10151   primes 512 bits in length or less.

            For numbers near n, the probability that a random number is prime is small,

            approximately one in ln(n)

3.         Finding a prime number can be done in two ways:

            a. By checking to see if a number under consideration has a factor.

                This is very time-consuming especially when the number is very large as such a

    number can have a very large number of potential factors.

            b. By picking a large random number and repeatedly checking to see if it may not

                be a composite. (probabilistic)



A.        Find all prime numbers smaller than 1000.

B.         Test primality of each of following eight large numbers:










            The testing of each number above should be done in two steps:

B.1       By checking if none of the primes less 1000 actually divides the potential number

            under testing.

B.2       By conducting “Rabin-Miller” testing at least ten times only when the potential

number passes the first test of step (B.1) above.

It is believed that the probability of a composite escaping this test is no higher

than 25%.


Output Requirements:

A.        The list of all primes smaller than 1000.

B.         The count of above primes.

C.         For each of above 8 large numbers, an indicator of whether the number is

            definitely NOT a prime or possibly a prime.

            In order for a number to be considered as “Possibly a prime” it must pass both tests




Rabin-Miller algorithm:


a.         Calculate b where it is the total number of times 2 divides p-1 where p is the

            potential prime number under consideration.

            That is, p = 1 + 2b  * m   where m is a positive odd integer.


            For example, if p is 69, b must be 2, as

            69 = 1 + 22  * 17


b.         Choose a relatively small random integer, a, such that it is less than p.


c.         z = am   (mod  p)

                        Note that  x (mod p) is the remainder we get by dividing x by p and hence

                        it is between 0 and p-1.

                        200 (mod 9) is 2.

                        In the above case, we say that 2 is the Residue of 200, (modulo 9)

                        200 5  (mod 9)  =  (200 (mod 9)) 5    =  25 (mod 9) =  32 mod 9 =  5

                        In the above case, we do not have to calculate 200 5 

d.         if  (z == 1), then return (“p may be prime”)

/* In this case, p passes the test and we assume that it may be prime.

                            So, in this case, we repeat the entire algorithm for another small random

                            integer, a.


e.         for j = 0 to b-1

                        if (z == p-1) then return (“p may be prime”)        // p passes the test again here

                        else z =  z2  (mod p)                   

f.          return (“p is definitely composite”)




a.         Above algorithm is based upon the following “Fermat’s Little Theorem:”

                If m is a prime and a (an integer) is smaller than m, (or more generally,

                a is any integer, small or large, that p does not divide),  then  a m-1    =  1  (mod m).




Suppose that  m=7 (a prime).  Then we have

1 6   =   1 (mod 7) 

2 6   =   1 (mod 7)   as  64 = 7*9 + 1 

3 6   =   1 (mod 7)   as 729 = 7*104 + 1

4 6   =   1 (mod 7)   as 4096 = 7*585 + 1

5 6   =   1 (mod 7)   as 15625 = 7*2232 + 1

6 6   =   1 (mod 7)   as 46656 = 7*6665 + 1


b.         To speed up step (d) above:  z = a m   (mod  p)

            consider the following equality:


                        a 25  (mod p) =              // note  25 = 1 + (2*(2*(2*(2+1))))

                        ((((a2 (mod p)*a)2  (mod p)) 2  (mod p))2  *a) (mod p)