!	Fortran Example-2: Recursive subprograms (Internal)
	program main
	  implicit integer(A-Z)
	  Parameter (Last=5, Size=10000)
	  integer Result(Size,Last)	! to contain permutations of 5
	  Dimension Current(Last)
	  Data Current /1,2,3,4,5/ ! compile-time initialization
	  integer :: Count=0	! Compile-time initialization
	  call Permu (1,Last)
	  print *, "THERE ARE ", count, " PERMUTATIONS FOUND:"
	  Print *
	  do 100 k=1, count
	    write(66,55) (Result(k, Col), Col=1,Last)
  100	    continue
   55	  format (1X, 6I5)
	  print *
	  print *
	  Print *, 'Factorial of ', Last, " IS ", Fact(last)
	    Recursive subroutine Permu (P1, P2)
	      Integer Cur, Temp, Save(Last)
	      Intent(IN) P1, P2		! These parameters not to be altered 
	      If (P1 .EQ. P2) then
	        call Store	! Done in finding all permutations
		end if
	      ! else not done yet

	      do cur=p1,p2
		  Save=Current		! Array expression
		  Call Swap (Current(cur), Current(P1))
		  Call Permu (P1+1,P2)
		  Current = Save	! Restore 'Current' results
		  end do  
	      End Subroutine	! This is mandatory
	    Subroutine Swap (A,B)
	      integer A,B
	      real :: XX=1.000
	      intent(Inout) A, B
	      End Subroutine Swap
	    Subroutine Store
	    ! This subroutine stores the current permutation found
	    ! into the 'Result' after incrementing the count
	      integer M
	      if (Count > Size) then
	        print *, "ERROR::: RESULT ARRAY OVERFLOW"
	        end if
	      Result(Count,:) = Current		! Array expression
	      end subroutine Store
	    Recursive Integer Function Fact(N) RESULT (Fa)
		! Above type specification is for RESULT name and not for the function
		! Name. And, neither is to be declared again.
	 	Integer N  !, Fa : This will cause a syntax error: Multiply-declaring
		If (N .LE. 1) Return
		Fa = N * Fact(N-1)
		End function FACT
	  End Program