	Language evaluation criteria:

	1. Readability (How easy it is to read and understand programs in
			a certain language)
	2. Writability (How easy it is to write programs after learning
		        the language first)
	3. Reliability
	4. Expressivity
	5. Well-definedness
	6. Modularity
	7. Data types and structures
	8. Input-Output facilities
	9. Efficiency and Cost

	A. Readability:

	a. Most important criterion
	b. Software Life Cycle development of 1970's -->
	   Recognition of importance of maintenance rather than
	   coding/writing and maintenance is determined in large part by 
	   the readability
	c. Factors:
		Control Statements
		Data Structures
		Syntax Considerations

		  1. A small number of elementary components
		  2. Absence of Feature Multiplicity
		       	count = count+1
			count += 1
		  3. Absence of Operator Overloading
		       a single operator symbol with more than one meaning
		       (like in SNOBOL, Smalltalk)
		  4. Lack of unnecessary features.
		  5. Oversimplification (like Assembly language)
		  A small set of primitive constructs that can be combined
		  in a relatively small number of ways to build the control
		  and data structure of the language.
		  Furthermore, every possible combination is legal and
		  meaningful. This follows from a symmetry of relationships
		  among primitives.
			IBM:	A  Reg, Memory
				AR Reg1, Reg2
			VAX:    ADDl Opd1, Opd2  /* More orthogonal *?
		  More orthogonality --> Fewer rule exceptions -->
		  Higher degree of regularity --> Easier to learn/read
	     	  Ex: Pascal is not orthogonal: Many inconsistent type rules.
			VAR and Value parameter types
			Functions return only unstructured types
			  (at least in Standard Pascal, not in VAX, though)
			Formal parameters must be named (and cannot be
	 		  a complete type specification)
			File cannot be passed by Value.
		  Overorthogonality may cause problems (like in ALGOL68)
	   	    Unnecessary complexity (like if-clause and type statement
	 	      appearing on LHS of an assignment statement)
	  	  *** Good combination of Simplicity and limited orthogonality ***
		Control Statements
		  Structured Programming revolution of 1970's was a reaction to
		  the poor readability caused by the limited control structures
	  	  of some languages of 1950's and 1960's.
		  It became widely recognized that indiscriminate use of GOTO
		  statements severely reduces readability.
		  1. No GOTO at all vs
		  2. Limited GOTO's
			No forward branch except when used to form loops.
			Targets are never too distant.
			Their frequency of uses is limited.  
		Data Structures.
		  Allowing adequate facilities for defining data types and
		  data structures is another significant aid to readability.
		  Ex:	Use of Boolean type: Flag=true
			  instead of: Flag=1 (Rather, unclear)
			Use of Record type to represent employee records
			  rather than a parallel array scheme, which must be
		 	  used in a language w/o record.
		  Variety of structures (such as linked lists, Stacks, Queues,
		    and even trees) vs None/few (SNOBOL, PROLOG, Smalltalk)
		Syntax considerations
		  1. Identifier form
		  	Old FORTRAN: Only up to six chars for an id
			Old ANSI BASIC: Only a single letter and a single digit
				        at most
			The availability of connector characters such as _ or $
		  2. Special words significantly affect readability.
			Delimiters for compound statements
			  Pascal:  BEGIN END   /* Bad */
			  C:       { }         /* Bad */
			  ADA:       EndIf  EndLoop
			  Conflict between Simplicity (from not having many 
			    constructs) and greater readability (from having
			    more reserved words)
			Keywords strictly reserved or not
			  FORTRAN: Not reseved at all
		  3. Form amd meaning
			Designing statements so that their appearance at least
			partially indicates their action is an obvious aid to
			EX:  FORTRAN: Assigned GOTO and Computed GOTO
   				      (These two have similar appearance but
				      totally different meanings)	
			    GOTO I, (10,20,30)  : Assigned GOTO (I must assume 
				                      one of the label values)
			    GOTO (10,20,30), I  : Computed GOTO ( I must be
					          an integer 1, 2, or 3)

	B. Writability:
	  Measure of ease with which a language is used to create a program
	  by translating an algorithm in a chosen problem area)
	  1. It varies with the application area of the language.
		APL: Good for dealing with matrix computation
		COBOL: Not for matrix computation
		       Good for report generation
	  2. What affects readability also affects writability (because
	     writing a program often requires frequent reading of portions of
	     what is already written)
	  3. Simplicity and Orthogonality: Better than having relatively large
		number of primitives that may easily lead to misuse/disuse.
	     Help programmers to learn a language quickly.
	  4. Abstraction support
		Degree of abstraction allowed and the naturalness of expressions
		used for operations and data structures as abstractions allow
		natural and compact use of expressions without having to know
		or specify most details.
		Process abstraction (Subprograms).
		Data Abstraction.
		  EX: A Binary Tree: 	  FORTRAN: 3 parallel integer arrays
	    	      with integer nodes  Pascal:  Use an abstraction of a tree
			                           node in the form of a simple 
						   record with one integer and
				  	           two pointers.
	  5. Expressivity
		Relatively convenient and consistent ways of specifying
		computations for easy translation of an algorithm into a
			C:      count++
			ADA:    and then (Short-circuit evaluation of a boolean)
			Pascal: Use of 'For' loop instead of 'While' loop
				for a counting loop.
		Use of structured programming constructs.
		Use of consistent and compact notations and operators.
			Like + or - instead of ADD or SUBTRACT.
		Use of commonly used notations and expressions.
		Use of distinct notations for distinct purposes:
			(): For lists
			[]: For array subscripts
			{}: For Compound statements
	C. Reliability.

	   Degree of how easy to write a correct program.
		     or how easy to detect incorrect programs.
		     or how preventive to write an incorrect programs.
	   1. Conflict with Efficiency
	   2. Redundancy for insuring consistency:
		FORTRAN COMMON statements
		Pascal, Ada: Parameter type specifications
	   3. Syntax must reflect semantics.
		Bad example:   PL/I: ON Condition on-unit
	   4. Make certain types of errors impossible or unlikely
		Pascal: Compile-time type checking.
		        Altering FOR loop parameter variables.
		        Infinite WHILE Loops.
		        Restrictions on routine calls (Based on the Static
			  Scope Rule)
		        Restrictions on pointer variables
		Ada: 	Prohibition of altering IN parameters or
			referencing OUT parameters, making FOR loop
			control variables local to the loop
	   5. Selection by name rather than by position:
		X.Size instead of X(5)
	   6. Aliasing disallowed.
	   7. Readability and writability( for modifying a program in the 
	      long run)

	D. Cost

	   1. Training programmers
	   2. Writing programs
		Good development environment
	   3. Compiling programs.
	      Simplicity by small set of constructs and static features
	      improve the difficulty and cost of compiling.
	      Bad ex: ADA (Huge general-purpose language) and PL/I (lesser
	   4. Running programs.
	      Simplicity by disallowing dynamic features (like recursive
	      procedure calls, dynamic pointer variables, dynamic scope
	      rules, dynamic arrays, dynamic types) will improve.
	      Compiler optimization.
	   5. Maintaining programs.
	      Readability is a key factor, especially in modifying programs.

	E. Well-definedness

	   Lack of ambiguity of the syntax and semantic.
	   1. Improves cost of learning/compiling/reading/writing
	   2. Helps Standardization and good portability and reliability
		(by reducing chances of making errors)
		Bad ex:  FORTRAN:  DO 10 I = 1
				   DO10I = 1
	   3. Lack of unnecessary feature: 'Call by Name' of ALGOL60

	F. Efficiency

	   Most excessively overemphasized criterion.
	   Generally, conflicts with Reliability.
	   1. Fast compiling and execution
	   2. Smaller space needed for program and data.
	   3. Affected by:
		Simplicity by strict static binding
		Compiler optimization 
		Compatibility with Hardware architecture
		  Bad EX: FORTRAN Array Subscript sequencing

	G. Modularity

	   Makes it easy to design/write/modify large programs by modularizing 
	   them via subprogram decomposition.
	   1. Affected by subprogram support and well-definedness and
	      use of default features.
	   2. Related to Scope rules, subprogram nestings, and Extensibility for
	      user-defined operators/DataTypes (like Pascal, C, ADA)