COSC3302                                          Final Exam.                                      5/8/2007








                1. RE:                      Recursively Enumerable

                2. PC:                      Partially Computable

                3. TM:                    Quadruple Turing Machine. (deterministic with 2-way infinite tape)

                4. NDTM:              Nondeterministic quadruple TM

5. S.L.                     The Simple Language with the following three BASIC instructions:

                                                                V = V+1

                                                                V = V-1

                                                                IF V <> 0 GOTO L

                6. NPDA                Nondeterministic pushdown automata.

                7. DPDA                Deterministic pushdown automata.

                8. CFG:                   Context-Free Grammar.

                9. CFL:                    Context-Free Language.

            10. DCFL:   Deterministic CFL.

            11. l:                           The empty-string.


    PART-A.     Multiple Choice Questions.                                       (78 points)


1.                Which is a Macro that can be implemented solely by the three instructions in S.L.?

a.                GOTO L

b.               V = 0         and    V = W

c.                V = V1 + V2  

d.               All.                                          e.   two.                  f.   none.

2.                Which is Solvable?

a.                Halting Problem.

b.               CFG Ambiguity Problem.

c.                Both.                                      d.             Neither 

3.                Which is Solvable?

a.                Membership Problem for RE sets.

b.               Membership Problem for Recursive sets.

c.                Both.                                      d.             neither. 

4.                Which is Computable?

a.                Halt(x,x)

b.               F(X1,X2) = X1 +  2*X2

c.                Both.                                      d.             neither.

5.                Which is Partially Computable?

a.                f(X1,X2) = absolute value of X1-X2 if X1>=X2 else undefined.

b.               f(X1,X2,X3) =  whether or not two programs, X1 and X2, both stop always at the same

            time upon taking the same input, X3. 

c.                Both.                                      d.             neither. 

   6.          Which is a DCFL?

                a.          L1 = { am  bn      | m,n >=1  }

                b.          L2 =  {w c w |  w is in  (a+b) * }

                c.          both.                                                       d.             neither.


7.              CFL’s are closed under

a.        Intersection.

b.       Complementation.

c.        Both.                                            d.             neither. 


8.              All CFL’s are equivalent to

a.             all NPDA.

b.            all DPDA

c.             all CFG’s.

d.            all of above.                          e.             two.                                        f.              none 

9.              Suppose that a family of languages is closed under union and also under intersection. In this case,

a.        it is closed under complementation.

b.       Any proper subset of this family is closed under union.

c.        Both.                                            d.             neither

10.           Suppose that a family of languages is NOT closed under union and NOT closed under intersection.

             In this case,

a.        it may or may not be closed under complementation.

b.       any proper subset of this family is not closed under union.

c.        Both.                                            d.             neither.  


 Next three questions are about a TM with the following seven quadruples:

                                Q1           B             R             Q2           //Quad-1

                                Q2           1              R             Q3           //Quad-2

                                Q3           1              R             Q4

                                Q2           B             B             Q2

                                Q4           B             1              Q5           //Successful terminating condition

                                Q4           1              R             Q3           //Quad-6

                                Q3           B             B             Q3           //Quad-7 


11.     This TM does not stop if the input string

a.        is the empty-string.

b.       has an odd number of ones.

c.        Both.                                            d.  neither. 

12.     When this TM stops, it is computing

a.        F(x) = x+1

b.       F(x) = x+2

c.        Neither.


13.     The purpose of quadruple-7 above is

a.        to stop thereby completing the computation of the function.

b.       to enter an infinite loop thereby refusing to complete the computation of the function.

c.        Both.                                            d.             neither.


                  14.         Which is CF???

                                a.             L1 = {bm cn |m,n>=0}

                                b.             L2 = {am bn cn dm |m,n>=0}

c.                    L3 = {am bm cn dn |m,n>=0}

d.                   All.                                          e.             two.                                        f.              none

15.        Any CFL without the empty string in it can be represented by

a.             CNF

b.            GNF

c.             Both.                                      d.             neither.

16.              Which pair is equivalent? 

a.                    all NPDA’s with the Empty-Stack acceptance and those with Final-State(s) acceptance

b.                   all NPDA’s with the Empty-Stack acceptance and all DCFL’s

c.                    both.                                     d.             neither.


                 Next four questions are about the following CFG:

                                                S ->       S   R 

                                                S ->         ( R )

                                                R ->         P  Q 

                                                Q ->        ( )

                                                Q ->        ( Q )

                                                Q ->        P

                                                P ->         R                            

                                                P ->        


17.        Which string is in the language generated by this CFG?

a.                l

b.               ( ( ) ) ( )

c.                ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) ( )

d.               All.                                          e.             two.                                        f.              none.

  18.         Which non-terminal is Nullable?

a.                    P

b.                   Q

c.                    R

d.                   All.                                          e.             two.                                        f.              none.


                  19.         Suppose that the following string is sufficiently long:


In this case, which decomposition of this string into five parts will satisfy the CFL Pumping lemma?

a.             u = “(())”                                                b.             u =    

                                                v = “(“                                                                    v =  “(“

                                                w = ”()”                                                                  w =  “()”

                                                x = “)”                                                                     x =  “)(“

                                                y = “(())”                                                                y = “())(())”

                                c.             both.                                                       d.             neither.


                  20.         Which production rule is to be included when all unit productions are eliminated?

                                a.             S -> S  P    and  S -> S  Q

                                b.             S -> ( P )   and  S -> ( Q )

                                c.             both.                                       d.             neither.


21.        Suppose that a family of languages is closed under union but NOT under intersection. In this case,

a.                it may or may not be closed under complementation.

b.               Any proper subset of this family is closed under union.

c.                Both.                                      d.             neither.  



            Next three questions are about the following DFSA:


















                                                Q3 is accepting


                22.           Which string is accepted by this DFSA?

                                a.       l  

b.           aaba

c.            aababa

d.           all.                                                e.  two.                                   f.  none.


23.           Suppose that the following string is sufficiently long:


                In this case, which decomposition of this string into three parts will satisfy the Pumping Lemma of

Regular Languages?

                a.            u  =  ‘a’                                    b.             u  =   ‘aa’

                                v  =  ‘a’                                                   v  =   ‘ab’

                                                w  =  ‘aba’                                              w  =   ‘a’

                                c.             both.                                       d.             neither.


                24.           This acceptor is

a.                    completely specified

b.                   deterministic

c.                    both.                                                       d.             neither.

25.           All Regular Languages are equivalent to

a.                    all DFSA’s

b.                   all NFSA’s

c.                    both.                                                       d.             neither.

26.           An NPDA will accept an input string when

a.        its stack becomes empty without necessarily completely scanning the input string.

b.       it enters a final state without necessarily completely scanning the input string.

c.        Both.                                                              d.             neither.


     PART-B. Other problems.                                                            (80 points)


      Do all problems in this PART.



1.                   Consider the following FSA with three states {q1,q2,q3) and two input symbols{a,b}:  

                          (only q2 is accepting)















            Derive and clearly show the language accepted by the above FSA.


2.                   Show the following language is not Regular:


L = { am bn cm  |  m,n >= 1}


3.                   Consider the following argument:

P1:       Every dog either likes people or hates cats.

P2:       Rover is a dog.

P3:       Rover does not hate cats.

C:         Therefore, some dogs like people.


                  Using the following predicates, show that the argument is logically valid using the Resolution


                                    D(x):    x is a dog

                                    L(y):     y likes people

                                    H(z):     z hates cats


4.                   Convert the following to the CNF (Conjunctive Normal Form) and to the DNF (Disjunctive Normal Form), respectively:

(A+B+C) -> (D^E+D)


      5.               Give a Regular grammar for the following language:     L2 = (a + c)* (a + b) (b + c).



      6.               L3 = {am bm cm  |m >= 1}

                        L4 = {am bn cm+n |m,n>=1}


                        Prove or disprove that each language above is CF.



      7.               Give a CFL that cannot be accepted by a deterministic PDA and state  the precise reasons for that.



      8.               Give an NPDA that accepts by the Final-State(s) the following language:

                                    L5 = {w 2 wr |w is a non-empty string of 0’s and 1’s}

                        This language has strings like 0012100, 01210, 0112110, 020, 121, 10201,

                        11211, 1102011, 110020011, and so on.



      9.              Give a program which the Predicate HALT(X,X) would contradict.

                        And, then describe some key points for that.


     10.               List various types of languages along with their characteristics and

                        corresponding accepting devices.

                        And, indicate cases where determinism and non-determinism do not

equal and brief reasons of why they do not.



      11.              Convert the following CFG into the CNF and clearly show the result:

                                    S  ->   S  R

                                    S  ->   P  R  R

                                    P  ->   (  R  )

                                    R  ->   (  )

                                    R  ->   (  S  )