COSC3302                                        Test-2                                     4/27/2011

  Keys Used:

          1-5:              DAAFD

          6-10:            CAADF

          11-14: DDEC






                1.             RE:                          Recursively Enumerable

                2.             PC:                          Partially Computable

3.             S.L.                          The Simple Language with the following three BASIC instructions:

                                                                V = V+1

                                                                V = V-1

                                                                IF V <> 0 GOTO L

                4.             NPDA                     Nondeterministic pushdown automata.

                5.             DPDA                     Deterministic pushdown automata.

                6.             CFG:                       Context-Free Grammar.

                7.             CFL:                        Context-Free Language.

                8.             DCFL:                     Deterministic CFL.

                9.             l:                             The empty-string.


   PART-A:                  Multiple Choice Questions.                           (42 points)


         1.          Which is Computable?

a.                Halt(x,y)

b.                F(X1,X2) = X1 +  2*X2 if X1> 2*X2

                                      or else undefined

c.                Both.                                  d.             neither.


                2.                Which is Partially Computable?

a.               f(X1,X2) = absolute value of X2-X1 if X2>X1 else undefined.

b.               f(X1,X2,X3) =  whether or not two programs, X1 and X2, both stop  at the same

               time upon taking the same input, X3. 

c.                Both.                                  d.             neither. 


 3.              Which is a DCFL?

                a.          L1 = { am  bn      | m,n  >=1  }

                b.          L2 =  {w w |  w is in  (a+b) * }

                c.          both.                                                        d.             neither.


                 4.              All CFL’s are equivalent to

a.           all DPDA’s.

b.          all Type-2 Grammars.  

c.           all CFG’s.

d.          all of above.                             e.             a & b.                                      f.              none 


                 5.            Which is CF???

                                a.             L1 = {bm cn |m,n>=0}

                                b.             L2 = {am bn cn dm |m,n>=0}

c.             L3 = {am bm dn |m,n>=0}

d.             All above.                                e.             two.                                         f.              none


                 6.            Any CFL without the empty string in it can equivalently be represented in 

a.             CNF

                                b.             GNF

                                c.             Both.                                       d.             neither.


                 7.           Which pair is equivalent? 

a.             all NPDA’s with the Empty-Stack acceptance and those with Final-State(s) acceptance

b.             all NPDA’s with the Final-State(s) acceptance and all DCFL’s

c.             both.                                      d.             neither.

                 8.        Suppose that a family of languages is closed under Union and also under Complementation.

                                In this case,

a.             it must be closed under Intersection.

b.             any proper subset of this family is closed under Union.

c.             Both.                                       d.             neither.  


 9.            An NPDA will accept an input string when

a.             its stack becomes empty without necessarily completely scanning the input string.

b.             it enters a final state without necessarily completely scanning the input string.

c.             Both.                                                       d.             neither.


                 10.          Which problem is solvable?

                                        a.     STEP(x1,x2,x3,y,t)

                                        b.     Membership problem for CFL

                                        c.     Membership problem for RE sets.

`                                       d.     all above.                                 e.   a & c above.                       f.   none above.


                 11.         Which is unsolvable?

                                        a.     Halting Problem

                                        b.     Equality problem for RE sets.

                                        c.     Problem of deciding whether or not the complement of a CFL is CF.

                                        d.     all above.                                 e.   two above.                         f.   none above.


                 12.         Which is an application of CFG or of CFL?

                                        a.     Compiler design (parser)

                                        b.     RNA Secondary Structure Prediction

                                        c.     Reverse Engineering                d.   all above.           e.   two above.


                 13.         According to the Grammar of program-3 (Expression Parsing), which is a legitimate expression?

                                        a.     (A)+B*C

                                        b.     A+(B*C)

                                        c.     ()+B*C+B

                                        d.     all above                                  e.             two above.

                 14.          According to the Grammar of program-4, which nonterminal is nullable?

                                        a.     Exp and SS

                                        b.     S and Body                             c.  both.                   d.  neither.


       PART-B. Other problems.                                                          (58 points)


      Do five problems in this PART.


1.                        Give a CFL that cannot be accepted by a deterministic PDA and state the precise reasons for that. 

2.                        Show that CFL are closed under Union but not closed under Intersection.

3.                        Show that the following is each a Macro of the SIMPLE Language:

V1  = V2

V  =  0

GOTO   L   

        4.                     L3 = {an bm cm  |m,n >= 1}

                                L4 = {am bn cm  |m,n >=1}

                              Prove or disprove that each language above is CF.

        5.                     Briefly describe various types of languages along with their corresponding accepting devices.

                                And, indicate cases where determinism and non-determinism are NOT equivalent (or seem to be

NOT equivalent) and why.     

        6.                     Convert the following CFG into the CNF and clearly show the result:

                                                S   ->   S  R  |  (  R  R  )

                                                R   ->   (  )  |   (  S  )

       7.                      State the Pumping Lemma for CFL. And also how it can be used.

       8.                      State exactly why the Membership question for R.E. sets is unsolvable.

       9.                      Give the definition of R.E. sets and Recursive sets.

                                And, give an example of a Recursive set.