COSC3302                    Program-3         Due: April 4, 2013  
                           Expression Parser Construction 
        1. Understanding simple grammars and parsing
        2. Implementing a Recursive-Descent Parser.
        Consider the following grammar that defines all possible
        arithmetic expressions provided that:
        a. we have only three operators: +, -, and *
        b. we have only three operands:  A, B, and C
        c. we have any number of parentheses in the normal way.
        d. we want the usual operator precedence incorporated into
           any expression we get.
               EXP  -> EXP + Term
               EXP  -> EXP - Term
               EXP  -> Term
               Term -> Term * Fact
               Term -> Fact
               Fact -> A
               Fact -> B
               Fact -> C
               Fact -> ( EXP )
        Write a  program that does:
        1. Read one expression (as a character string, of course)
           after another and check to see if it is an expression 
           of the expected kind, and
        2. Print the input expression followed by a message that 
           indicates whether or not it is a legitimate expression.
        Suggestion for Program Design
        1. Set up Global variables:
                int exp[50]  // to contain an input expression
               int current  // the current input expression character index
                            // i.e., exp[current] is the current exp char.
        2. Set a function for each nonterminal of the grammar.
        3. main()
           3a. establish an input file stream // To read input exps from a file.
           3b. while (input-not-over)
               read next input expression in a global var, exp[].
               echo-print the input expression.
               append an end=marker ($) to the input expression.
               initial current to zero.
                       cout << "     INPUT EXPRESSION LEGITIMATE. \n"
               else    cout << "     INPUT EXPRESSION NOT LEGITIMATE. \n"
        4. parsing function setup
           int E()     // return 1 if successful else 0
                       // EXP -> Term {+ Term || - Term}*
             {  if (!Term())
                 return 0; //the very first term is not found, hence a failure
               {  while (exp[current] == '+' || exp[current] == '-')
                  {    current++;
                       if (!Term())  return 0;
                  }    // All terms are found in success, so return in success
                  return 1;
           int Term()  // This function can be set up more or less like E() above.
           int Fact()  // A factor is either 'A', 'B', 'C', or "(EXP)"
           {    char Cur = exp[current];
               if (Cur=='A' || Cur=='B' || Cur=='C')
               {       current++;
                       return 1;
               else if (Cur=='(')     // a case of (E)
                    {  current++;
                       if(!E()) return 0;
                       else if (exp[current]==')')
                            {  current++;
                               return 1;
                            else return 0; // matching right-paren missing
                    else      // A missing factor.
                       return 0;
        For the sake of simplicity, we can assume that an input
        expression does not contain any embedded blanks.
        And, that each input expression is no longer than 50 characters.