COSC3302                            Final Exam.                            5/7/2011







                1.             RE:                          Recursively Enumerable

                2.             PC:                          Partially Computable

                3.             FSA:                        Finite State Acceptors (Deterministic or otherwise)

4.             S.L.                          The Simple Language with the following three

BASIC instructions:

                                                                V = V+1

                                                                V = V-1

                                                                IF V <> 0 GOTO L

                5.             NPDA                     Nondeterministic pushdown automata.

                6.             DPDA                     Deterministic pushdown automata.

                7.             CFG:                       Context-Free Grammar.

                8.             CFL:                        Context-Free Language.

                9.             E.R:                         Equivalence Relation.

              10.             DCFL:                     Deterministic CFL.

              11.             l:                             The empty-string.

              12.             $:                             Universal Quantifier. (For all)

              13.             %:                            Existential quantifier. (For at least one)

              14.             ^:                             Conjunction operator. (AND)

              15.             +:                             Disjunction operator. (OR)

              16.             ~:                             Negation operator. (NOT)

              17.             ->:                           Implication operator (IMPLIES)

              18.             V,W,X,Y,Z:            A variable.

              19.             a,b,c,d:                     A constant.

              20.             f,g,h:                        A function.

              21.             P,Q,R,S:                  A predicate (in Predicate Calculus)

              22.             A,B,C,D:                 A Literal   (in Propositional Calculus)


          PART-A:           Multiple Choice Questions.               (114 points)


             First 3 questions are about the following binary relation:

                                1 0 0 0

                                1 1 0 0

                                0 0 1 1

                                0 0 0 0


1.               The relation is

a.                    reflexive

b.                    symmetric

c.                    transitive

d.                    All above                             e.   Two above                        f.   None


2.               The relation is

a.                    Antisymmetric

b.                    Irreflexive

c.                    Both.

d.                    Neither.


3.               Which is its minimum E.R.?

a.             1 1 1 0                     b.             1 1 1 1                     c.             1 1 0 0

                1 1 1 0                                     1 1 1 1                                     1 1 0 0

                1 1 1 0                                     1 1 1 1                                     0 0 1 1

                0 0 0 1                                     1 1 1 1                                     0 0 1 1

d.                    None 


4.               Which is a Clause in the Predicate Calculus?

a.                    P(x) + Q(y) + ~R(y)

b.                    ~(P(x) ^ Q(x))

c.                    Both.                    d.             neither.


   5.          Which is equivalent to:           A -> B -> C

a.                    A -> (B -> C)

b.                    (A -> B) -> C

c.                    Both.                       d.             neither.

   6.          Which is equivalent to:                           $X(P(X) ^ Q(X))

a.                    $X P(X) ^ ($Y Q(Y))

b.                    $X P(X) ^ ($X Q(X))

c.                    both.                        d.             neither.

  7.           Which is equivalent to:                           %X(P(X) + Q(X))

a.                    %X P(X) + (%X Q(X))

b.                    %X P(X) + (%Y Q(Y))

c.                    both.                        d.             neither.

  8.           Which is implied by:                               $X$Y (P(X,Y))

a.                    %Y%X (P(X,Y))

b.                    $X$Y (P(Y,X))

c.                    both.                        d.             neither.

  9.           Which is implied by:                               %X (P(X) -> Q(X))

a.                    %X P(X)

b.                    $X P(X) -> (%Y Q(Y))

c.                    both.                        d.             neither.    

10.           Which is a tautology?

a.                    A ^ B  -> D

b.                    A ^ B  -> A

c.                    A ^ B  -> B + D

d.                    b and c above                          e.             a and b above.


11.           The Pumping Lemma of Regular languages is

                a.             a  necessary condition useful in showing that a language under consideration is regular.

                b.             a  necessary condition useful in showing that a language under consideration is not regular.

                c.             a  sufficient condition useful in showing that a language under consideration is regular.

                d.             a  sufficient condition useful in showing that a language under consideration is not regular.


Next three questions are about the following non-deterministic FSA where Q1 is the Initial state and it is

the only Accepting state:



















12.           The empty-closure of Q1 is

                a.             {Q1, Q2}

                b.             {Q1, Q2, Q3}

                c.             {Q2, Q3}

                d.             none above.

13.           For an equivalent deterministic FSA, the Initial sate is the combination of

a.                {Q1, Q2}

b.                {Q1, Q2, Q3}

c.                {Q1}

d.                None above

                14.           Which string is accepted by this acceptor?           

                                a.             l  

                                b.             aaaa

                                c.             bbbb

                                d.             all above.                 e.             two above.




15.           Which is equivalent to:                           (a + b)* (b + a)

                a.             a  (a + b)*   +   b (a + b)*   

                b.             a  (a + b)*   +   b  a*  (a + b)*   

                c.             both.                                        d.             neither.


16.           Which language on the alphabet of {a,b} is Regular?

                a.             all strings with an even number of  b’s.

                b.             all strings that start with so many a’s followed by exactly as many b’s.

                c.             all strings that start with so many a’s followed by any number of b’s

                d.             all above.                 e.             a and c above.         

f.              b and c above.


17.           An FSA is truly non-deterministic if

                a.             a state has just one outgoing transition and it is on the empty-string.

                b.             a state has two different destination states on the same input symbol.

                c.             a state has the same destination state on the Empty-string and on an input symbol.

                d.             all above.                 e.             a and b above.                         f.    b and c above.                  


         18.          Which is Computable?

a.                Halt(x,y)

b.                F(X1,X2) = X1 +  2*X2

c.                Both.                                  d.             neither.


                19.          Which is Partially Computable?

a.               f(X1,X2) = absolute value of X2-X1 if X2>X1 else undefined.

b.               Halt(X1,X2,y) =  whether or not a program y stops eventually on taking two inputs,  X1 and X2.    

c.               Both.                                   d.             neither. 


20.         Which is a DCFL?

                a.          L1 = { am  bm      | m >=1  }

                b.          L2 =  {w w | w is in  (a+b)+ }

                c.          both.                                        d.             neither.


                21.         CFL’s are closed under

a.         Union and Concatenation.

b.         Complementation.

c.         Both.                                         d.             neither. 


                22.         All CFL’s are equivalent to

a.           all DPDA’s.

b.          all Type-2 Grammars.  

c.           all CFG’s.

d.          all of above.                             e.             two.                                         f.              none 


                 23.          Which is CF???

                                a.             L1 = {bm cn |m,n>=0}

                                b.             L2 = {am bn cn dm |m,n>=0}

c.             L3 = {am bm cm dn |m,n>=0}

d.             All above.                                e.             two.                                         f.              none


                 24.          Any CFL without the empty string in it can equivalently be represented in 

a.             CNF

                                b.             GNF

                                c.             Both.                                       d.             neither.


                 25.           Which pair is equivalent? 

                                a.               all NPDA’s with the Empty-Stack acceptance and those with Final-State(s) acceptance

                                b.               all NPDA’s with the Final-State(s) acceptance and all DCFL’s

                                c.               both.                                      d.             neither.

                 26.         Suppose that a family of languages is closed under Union but NOT under Complementation.

                               In this case,

a.             it must not be closed under Intersection.

b.             any proper subset of this family is closed under Union.

c.             Both.                                       d.             neither.  


   27.        All Regular Languages are equivalent to

a.             all DFSA’s

b.             all NFSA’s

c.             both.                                                        d.             neither.


   28.        An NPDA will accept an input string when

a.             its stack becomes empty without necessarily completely scanning the input string.

b.             it enters a final state without necessarily completely scanning the input string.

c.             Both.                                                       d.             neither.


                   29.        Which pair is equivalent?

                                        a.     (A  -> B)                 (~A + B)

                                        b.     A ^ (A+B)              A

                                        c.     both.                                                        d.             neither.


                   30.        Which pair is equivalent?

                                        a.     ~($x P(x))                %x(~P(x))

                                        b.     $x$y (P(x,y))          $y$x (P(x,y))

                                        c.     $x%y (P(x,y))         %y$x (P(x,y))

                                        d.     all above.                                                 e.    two above.        f.   none above.


                   31.                Which problem is solvable?

                                        a.     STEP(x,y,t)

                                        b.     Membership problem for CFL

                                        c.     Membership problem for RE sets.

`                                       d.     all above.                                 e.   two above.                         f.   none above.


                   32.                Which problem is solvable?

                                        a.     Emptiness problem for Regular languages.

                                        b.     Totality problem for Regular languages.

                                        c.     both.                                        d.             neither.


                   33.                According to the Grammar of Program-3 (Expression Parsing), which is a legitimate


                                        a.     ((A))+B*C

                                        b.     (A+B))*C

                                        c.     both.                                        d.             neither.


                   34.                According to the Grammar of Program-4 (CFG Reduction), which nonterminal is nullable?

                                        a.     Exp

                                        b.     Body

                                        c.     Program

                                        d.     all above.                                 e.   two above.                         f.  none above.


                   35.                According to the Grammar of Program-4 (CFG Reduction), which nonterminal is useless?

                                        a.     More

                                        b.     Another

                                        c.     SR

                                        d.     all above.                                 e.   two above.                         f.   none above.   


                   36.                Which is an application of Regular grammars or Regular  expressions or DFSA?

                                        a.     Compiler design (Scanner)

                                        b.     ALU Adder/Multiplier design

                                        c.     DNA testing                           d.   all above.           e.   two above.


                    37.               Which is an application of CFG or of CFL?

                                        a.     Compiler design (Parser)

                                        b.     Reverse Engineering               

                                        c.     both.                                        d.             neither.


                    38.               When is a sentence of a CFL ambiguous?

                                        a.     there are two distinct parse trees for the sentence.

                                        b.     there are two distinct leftmost derivation sequences for the sentence.

                                        c.     both.                                        d.             neither.










     PART-B. Other problems.                                                            (86 points)


      Do all problems in this PART.



1.             Consider the following FSA with three states {q1,q2,q3) and two input symbols{a,b}:  

                                (only q3 is accepting)















                Derive and clearly show the language accepted by the above FSA.


2.             Prove or disprove that the following language is  Regular:


L = { am bn |  m,n >= 1}



3.             Convert the following to the CNF (Conjunctive Normal Form) and to the DNF (Disjunctive Normal Form), respectively:

(A+B+C) -> (D+E)


        4.             Give a Regular grammar or a FSA for the following language:     L2 = (a + b)* (d + c).



        5.                     L3 = {am bm cm  |m >= 1}

                                L4 = {am bn cm |m,n>=1}


                        Prove or disprove that each language above is CF.



        6.             List some applications of DFSA/FSA/Regular-Grammars/Regular-Expressions.     



        7.             Prove that either the Predicate HALT(x,y) or the Membership Problem for RE sets is Unsolvable.  

                        This Predicate is, of course, determines whether or not an arbitrary program y eventually

                        stops upon taking an input x.



       8.              Give an Adjacency Matrix for the smallest binary relation over the set A ={a,b,c,d}

                        for each of the following 3 cases:

                                a. Symmetric and Reflexive and Transitive.

                                b. Anti-symmetric but not Reflexive.

c. Not Reflexive and not Irreflexive.


        9.              Convert the following CFG into the CNF and clearly show the result:

                                                S   ->   S  R

                                                S   ->   ( P  R ) 

                                                P   ->   (  R  )

                                                R   ->   (  )

                                                R   ->   (  S  )