COSC1371-02                                        TEST-2 Review:                             Spring 2006

          A. Internet Explorer/YAHOO

                Shortcut keys:

                                CTRL+O: Open a website

                                CTRL+P: Print current page

                                F5: Refresh         

                Starting page:     Home page designated (by using “Internet Options…” Command on TOOLS bar)

                               or the current page or  a Blank page.

                ToolBars: Standard toolbars: Back, Forward, Stop, Refresh, Home, Search, Favorites, History

                                    The last three buttons divide the page into two panes (The left one is for Folders)

                                    Address bar (where you can enter an URL to open a page)

                                    Links Bar (you can drag an address icon onto this bar for an easy opening of a page)

                YAHOO: A Search engine that helps us locate sites we want.

                                Other functions: E-mail, Home-page building, Instant messenger, Online Games.

                                Geocities: Home builder

                                 Two tools: Page Wizards and Page Builder (More advanced)

                                      The former lets us set up up to 4 links, specify the Title, or include an image.

                                      Once built, the page can be updated or deleted by File Manager.

          B. WORD2003

                Additional bars: Formatting toolbar, Selection bar (hidden vertical), Horizontal Ruler.

                                                Those bars can be hidden or moved around.

                Formatting toolbar: Style, Font, Font size, Bold, Italic, Underlining, Alignment, Numbering,  Bullets, Font

                                                    Color, Superscript, Subscript.

                                                Text selection:     Selection Bar:  Single-click: one line, D-click: A paragraph.

           Triple-click (or CTRL+A): Whole document

                Shortcut keys:

                                CTRL-A: Select the whole document except Header/Footer

                                CTRL-S (Save and Not Save As)

                                CTRL-P (Printing)  Options: Page range: All, Current page or certain pages specified.

                                                                Orientation: Portrait, Landscape                  Number of copies:Collate

                                                                Page order: Front to Back or Back to Front.

                                CTRL-Z: Undo/cancel      Almost any number of previous actions can be undone at the same time

                                CTRL-Y (Redo)                  Doing canceled actions.

                                CTRL-X: Cut.     CTRL-C: Copy.                  CTRL-V: Paste.                  CTRL-O: Open

                                CTRL-Enter:  Manual (or Hard)page break insertion

                                Home: Start of current line.                            End: The end of current line.

                                CTRL-Home: Document beginning                              CTRL-End:  Document end.

                                Shift-Home:  The prefix of current line.      Shift-End: The suffix of current line.

                                PgDn:  Move 24 lines down (10 points font size)        PgUp: Move 24 lines up

                                F1: WORD Help Shift-F1: What’s this tip.

                                F7: Spelling/Grammar.   Shift-F7: Thesaurus

                Print Layout View: Header/Footer/Page-number and Multiple columns are shown which are

  not shown in Normal view that shows page or section breaks.

                INSERT Menu:   Break (Page, Column, Section),  Picture (Clip Art, From File, From Scanner/Camera),

                                and File

                TOOLS Menu: Spelling/Grammar (F7), Language (Thesaurus, Hyphenation)

                FORMAT Menu                 Font, Paragraph, Bullets and Numbering, Columns

                                Paragraph: Indents and Spacing, and Line and Page Breaks (Widow/Orphan Control, Keep

                                Lines together (No page break within a paragraph)

                Tables: Max size: 63 columns and 32767 rows.

                                Only rows are sorted using columns as sorting keys (up to 3 of them) ascending or descending.

                                AutoFormat lets us choose from many styles and column width automatically adjusted.

                                A new row can be created just before or after the one selected, and likewise for a new column.

                Multiple columns (by COLUMNS Button) viewed in Print Layout VIEW but not in Normal VIEW.



C. EXCEL2003

                1.     Shortcut Keys:

TAB:   Next cell of the same row, or first cell of next row or creates a new row after last row.


CTRL-END:     Last cell

CTRL->:           Last column of the same row

CTRL <-:          First column of the same row.

2.    WorkSheet Size:          256 columns and 65,536 rows

3.       Data Types: Number, Label, Formula (“=” must appear in the first position of a cell)

4.    Cell references:   Absolute($E$9): Adjusted only when the cell identification itself changes

                                                                       due to inserion/deletions of other cells/rows/columns

                                     Relative (E9)     Automatically adjusted when copied as well as above cases

5.       Automatic Range conversion:

A3:F10 (Standard)     A10:F3                  F3:A10                  F10:A3

6.       Function categories on “paste function” Button

                All, Financial,  Statistical,  Math & Trig, Logical, etc

7.       Financial functions:

                FV(0.5%, 12, -1000) = $12,335                       FV(0.5%, 240, -1000) = $462,040

                PMT (rate, nPer, Principal)

                SLN (Cost, Salvage, Life): Straight-line depreciation (same depreciation amount for all


                SYD(Cost, Salvage, Life, Period)  Sum-of-Years Digits Dep (Amount decreases as time goes on)

                DDB(Cost, Salvage, Life, Period) Double-Declining Dep ( Amount decreases as time goes on)

                For the First period (year)  DDB > SYD > SLN

                For the last period (year)    DDB <  SYD < SLN

8.       Other functions.

               SUM       IF(Condition, TrueValue, FalseValue)          POWER(4,3) = 4*4*4 =  64

9.       Copying cells containing cell references

       COPY/PASTE Commands                              

       Fill Handle (Also useful for Label series like “Monday Tuesday Wednesday …”