Computer Systems Components

1. 	Hardware: Tangible Physical devices
2.	Software: Intangible pieces of instructions, called
   		  programs written in various languages.
		Three Levels of languages:
		Machine languages: 
			Only languages computers understand which are
			made up of binary strings/patterns like:
			Very hard for humans.
		Assembly languages:
			Machine languages in alphanumeric form
					MOVE   R1, R2
					ADD  R1,  ABC		
			Needs a translator called Assembler.
			A little bit closer to humans and easier than
			Machine languages.
		High-Level languages:
			Java,  C++,  Pascal,  Ada,  FORTRAN, COBOL
			Very close and familiar to humans.
			Very far from computers.
			Need translators called Compilers or Interpreters
					If (A=B)  Print ("Beautiful Day")
					Else Print ("Gloomy Day") 
	a. System software
	b. Application software

	System Software.

	Mostly to manage computer resources for the human users
	to use computers easily and efficiently.
	Operating Systems.
		Languages Translators: 
			Compilers, Interpreters, Assemblers
			Loading (storing) programs into Computer
 			memory for immediate execution.
		CPU Scheduler:
			CPU: Central Processing Unit
				   Brain of the computer.
				   Executing all instructions and
				   Processing data.
		        A scheduler for multi-users and/or multi-tasks.
		Memory Manager
			Efficient utilization of Main Memory among
			Users, Programs, and Processes.
		Secondary Storage Manager
			Secondary Storage:
				Hard Disk (Drive-C)
				Floppy diskettes (Drive-A)
				CD-ROM(Read-Only) or Recordable CD (Drive-E)
		File Manager
			File:  A Collection of related pieces of
 			       information to be stored in a secondary
			       storage device.
			       Each file is identified by a unique file name
			       that has two parts separated by a "dot"
				      name and extension (or type)
			       The Type typically indicates the kind of
 			       information contained in that file.
				 My.DAT	(Data file)
				 Your.TXT  (Text file)
				 Her.EXE   (Executable file, called 
					    Application, ready for
 					    computer execution)
				 Their.DOC (WORD produced Document)
				 His.HTML or Her.htm   (WWW Page)
		Windows Vista (Successor of XP)
			GUI (Graphic User Interface) based O.S. for PC. 
			It enables users to use Menu to select and issue a
			command for the computer to execute for us
			simply by clicking the Mouse left button.
		Mouse has two buttons: Left and Right
   		  Left button
		  1. Click (Single-click)
		     for a "Selection" to select an item such 
	 	     as a command or a computer component.
		  2. Double Click: Clicking it twice in a row 
	  	     for either opening the selected item 
		     (like a file) or executing (like an 
		  Right button 
		     Usually single-clicked for the
		     Shortcut Menu of the selected item.
		     The shortcut menu contains some 
		     commonly used commands depending upon
 		     the selected item including:
				Create Shortcut

	Application Software
		A piece of program dedicated to solving a particular
		kind of tasks, not related to direct management of  
		computer resources, 
		very small to very large/complex,
		like solving a linear equation, calculating payroll,	
		or analyzing the entire US census.
		Many of these are commercially available like
		those we will learn in this course.
			WORD2007:  Word processor that makes a ready-to-read document or paper like this note.
			EXCEL2007:   SpreadSheet application for business operation
			ACCESS2007:  Data Base management for
 			efficient organization, maintenance and retrieval
			of large amount of information like a
			university semester student registration data.
			POWERPOINT2007: Slide presentation
			Microsoft Internet Explorer:
			WWW Webpage browser such as Internet Explorer and Netscapethat displays HTML documents.

  consists of
      	EU (Execution Unit) generally referred to as CPU(Central Processing Unit)
	Main Memory
	Secondary Storage devices (such as floppy diskette and CD and Hard-disk)
	I/O (input/output) devices (Peripheral devices)
	  Interfaces between the CPU and human users.
	  Input devices: For giving the CPU some information
		scanner (for image or text inputs)
	  output devices: For getting information from the CPU
		monitor (CRT, Cathode Ray Tube)
		  not permanent

  1.	EU (Execution Unit), commonly known as CPU (Central Processing Unit)
   	Executes instructions as the brain of computer.
   	It has three parts:
  	1.1  CU (Control Unit) 
	   Controls all parts of the computer
	   by generating and emitting Synchronizing Pulses.
	   Typically, the speed of these pulses, measured in cycles/second, is used as 
 	   the Speed of Computers: 1.8GHz (My office Desktop)
	1.2  ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit) 
	   Performs most computational operations.
	   Typical Micro-Operations (The very basic operations
 	   computers are designed to perform as an electronic
		   1.  Adding two integers (Whole numbers with no
			    decimal point)
					00110111   (decimal 55,  1+2+4+16+32)
				  +	00111011   (decimal 59)
					01110010   (decimal 114)
		       Subtraction is done just like Addition
		   2.  Complementing
				Turning 01010111 to 10101000
		   3.  Shifting to left (or to right) by a number of
			Has the effect of multiplying by 2, 4, 8, 16, 
 			32, 64 and so forth. (or the effect of dividing)
			00001110 will become 01110000 when shifted 
			left by three positions, being multiplied by 8.
			So, the decimal 14 became 112.
		   4.  Comparing two integers
		       This is a logical operation.
		       The EU will perform one of a few predefined
		       operations based upon the outcome of the comparison.
		   5.  Fetching from and Storing into Main Memory.
		       An instruction in the Main memory needs to be fetched
		       in order for the EU to execute it.
		       Also, a data item stored in the Main memory needs
		       to be fetched before it can be used as an operand. 
		   6.  Data Movement.
		       Moving an integer from MM to a Register or
		       from a register to the MM or from a register
		       to a register.
	1.3  Registers: 
	  Faster access than MM
	  Performing special functions such as 
	  (1) controlling instructions being executed 
	  (2) handling memory addressing and 
	  (3) providing arithmetic capability 
	  or containing certain information such as
	  the starting address of a program segment or the current
	  computational results.
		General-Purpose Registers
		  AX: Accumulator Register
		      Primary accumulator for most arithmetic and
		      I/O (input/output) operations
		  BX: Base Register
		      Used as an index to extend memory addressing
		      and in arithmetic as well.
		  CX: Count Register
		      Used in loop iterations or in shifting bits
		      left or right.
		  DX: Data Register
		      required by some I/O operations and also in
		      * (Multiplication) and / (division)
		Segment Registers
		  CS: Code Segment
		      Contains the starting address of a program's
		      code segment.
		  DS: Data Segment
		      Contains the starting address of a program's
		      data segment.
		  SS: Stack Segment
		      Contains the starting address of a program's
		      stack segment.
		      The offset of a particular stack element is
		      contained in the SP (Stack Pointer) register.
		  ES: Extra Segment
		      Associated with DI (Destination Index) register,
		      used for memory indexed addressing for some string
		Pointer Registers
		  IP: Instruction Pointer
		      Contains the offset of next instruction to be
		  SP: Stack pointer
		      Contains the offset of a stack element to
		      be referenced.
		  BP: Base Pointer
		      Contains the offset address of a parameter
		      being passed via the stack
		Index (For indexed memory addressing for string
		  SI: Source Index (together with DS register)
		  DI: Destination Index (together with ES register)
 2. Main Memory
    This is where the computer stores application programs
    and data currently being executed.
    For proper accessing, elements of the MM have addresses.
    	2.1  Units of MM
	a. bit
	   The smallest unit that is large enough to contain
	   one of two values:
		zero or one
		on or off
		true or false
	b. Byte
	   eight consecutive bits are grouped into one "BYTE"
	   which is large enough to contain one of 256
	   (which is 2 raised to the power of 8)
	   Typically, a byte can represent a character (or an
	   alphabetical letter)
	c. Word
	   For some computers, it is two consecutive bytes.
	   But for some others, it is four consecutive bytes.
	   In either case, a word typically represents an
	   integer or a floating-point number (with a decimal
	   point) like 123.45 or 365.0
	   A "Two-byte" word can represent an integer roughly between
	   -32768 (2 raised to the power of 15) and 32767.
	   A "Four-byte" word can, on the other hand, represent an
	   integer roughly between -2,000,000,000 and 2,000,000,000

    	2.2  Types of MM

	a. RAM (Random access memory): Most MM
	   Volatile (Information stored will be lost each time
	   computer's power switch is turned off)
	   Hence, before turning off the computer, certain
	   important pieces of information must be saved to
	   a secondary storage device like the hard disk , Rewritable CD, USB or
	   3.5" diskette which is not volatile.
	   Each byte has its own address by which the computer
	   properly accesses it.
	   Accessing a byte takes the same amount of access time
	   regardless of the address, and hence the name.
	   Typical size: 2 GB (including expanded memory)
	b. ROM (Read-Only Memory)
	   This is a certain portion of the MM that has a fixed
	   , READ-ONLY, information not to be altered or 
	   Typically, the core of O.S. programs are stored
	   in the ROM so that it can be readily loaded into the
	   MM for immediate execution each time the computer
	   is turned on.
	   Typical size: 256K bytes
	c. Cache: Special portion of RAM for faster access.
	   (Faster RAM)
	   About 5 times faster than other RAM.
	   This is where the computer stores blocks of RAM
	   space by moving them from RAM in anticipation of frequent access.
	   Typical size: 512K Bytes

  3. Secondary Storage devices
	Permanent (non-volatile) storage of information
	usually as files.
 	Slow access.

	3.1  Types

	  3.5" (floppy) diskette: Usually Drice-A or B
	  Hard disk: Usually drice-C or -D, 
	    fixed location, not movable.
	    Typical capacity: 150 GB (desktop) 
	  CD-ROM: Usually drive-E
	    Recently, rewritable drivers let us write onto CD.
	    typical capacity: 700 mega bytes
	  USB (Universal Serial Bus): Removable
	    Typical Capacity: 2 or 4 GB.  

	3.2  File structure

	Files are organized as a hierarchy of "Folders"
	or "Directories"
	For example, a 3.5" disk may have
	  3 folders named F1, F2 ana F3 directly underneath
	  The folder F1 may have four folders names F11, F12, F13 
	  and F14, and the folder F2 with its own folders F21, F22,
	  F23, F25 and F25, and so on.
	  Now, the folfer F11 may have its own folders and some files
	  inside itself.
	Windows XP provides The Windows Explorer for fast access to
	individual files and folders.

	3.3  Formatting of 3.5" diskette

	1. Before a floppy disk can be used, it must be formatted.
	   Usually, disks are already formatted when purchased.

	2. Purposes
	   a. Magnetically marking the boundaries of tracks
	      and sectors
	   b. Creating the disk directory to contain information
	      about folders and files yet to be created.
	      Three parts:
		Boot Sector
		Root Directory
		File Allocation Table.

	3. Structures
		Two sides
		80 tracks per side
		18 sectors per track
		512 bytes per sector
		So, a disk has 2*80*18*512 bytes of space,
		1,474,560 bytes.
		But, 33 sectors (16,896 bytes) are used for the 
		disk directory.

	4. Steps
		a. Make sure the "Write-Protect" tab is closed.
		b. Insert a diskette with the external label showing
		   at top.
		c. Double click "My Computer" icon.
		d. In the Window that shows up, right-click
		   the Drive-A icon.
		e. The shortcut menu of Drive-A will show up.
		   Click the "FORMAT..." command
		f. The Formatting dialog box will display.
		   In this D.B., you enter your internal
		   label like "HKOH1371A" or "HKOH1371B" in the text field
		   labeled "Volume Label."
		g. Then, inside the "Format options" box, 
		   you choose "Quick Format" by clicking.
		   The Quick formatting is allowed only if
		   the diskette has already been formatted once.
		h. Then click "Start" button at the bottom of this
		   dialog box to start the formatting.
		   A warning message will appear that says
		   "Formatting will erase all data ..."
		   When you see this message, it shows that every
		   thing is normal. So, you just click the "OK"
		   button to let the computer to go ahead to
		   complete the formatting process.
		i. When the formatting is complete, you will see
		   a message "FORMAT COMPLETE"
		   You can click "OK" button again when you see this.
		The computer will let you repeat above four steps, 
		f,g,h, and i, in formatting other diskettes.