Welcome to The Home Page of Dr. Hikyoo Koh,
Professor of Computer Science
Lamar University
Beaumont, Texas USA

  1. COSC1371
    1. COSC1371-SYLLABUS:2012 (Online Version)
    3. COSC1371: Computer System Components
    4. MicroSoft Office Common User Interface
    5. COSC1371-Project1: Microsoft Office Interface Interactions
    6. COSC1371-PROJECT2: Web Search and Calculator for Some Statistical Calculations
    7. Project-3: Word Introduction
    8. COSC1371-PROJECT4: Word Formatting and Styles
    9. Project-5: Table Building and Sorting
    10. Project-5: 2010 AFC Standing (Table) (Source: WWW.NFL.COM)
    11. COSC1371-PROJECT6: Excel(2): Net Income Optimization
    12. Project-6: Original SpreadSheet
    13. COSC1371-PROJECT7: Excel(3): Mortagage Payment Table
    14. Mortgage Balance Table (Part-2 of Project-7)
    15. COSC1371-PROJECT-8: Access(1)
    16. Project-9: Access(2): Query/Report Creations
    17. COSC1371-Project-10: Access(3)
    18. COSC1371-PROJECT-11: Powerpoint(1)
    19. COSC1371-Project-11B: Powerpoint(2)
    20. Test-1 Review: Covering first four projects + Introductions +
      Reading assignments
    21. Test-1: Summer 2011
    22. COSC1371: Test-1 (2009)
    23. COSC1371: Test-1 (2007)
    24. COSC1371: Test-2 Review (2011)
    25. COSC1371: Test-2 Review
    26. COSC1371-Test2:2009 (Updated)
    27. Test-3: Fall 2011
    28. Test-3: Spring 2009
    29. Final Exam. 2009
  2. COSC1373
    1. COSC1373SYLLABUS-1999
    2. COSC1373PROGRAM1
    3. COSC1373PROGRAM2
    4. COSC1373PROGRAM3
    5. COSC1373PROGRAM4
    6. COSC1373PROGRAM5
    7. COSC1373PROGRAM6
    8. COSC1373PROGRAM7
    9. COSC1373TEST1
    10. COSC1373TEST2
    11. COSC1373FINAL
  3. COSC3302
    1. COSC3302: SYLLABUS-2013
    2. Final Exam Review (2013 Updated)
    3. COSC3302:TEST1: 2007
    4. COSC3302: Test2:2011: Updated
    5. COSC3302:TEST2:2005
    6. FINAL:2007
    7. FINAL:2011: Updated
    8. Binary Relations
    9. Recurrence Relation Solution
    10. Inhomogeneous Recurrence Relations
    11. Rook Polynomials and Chromatic Polynomials
    12. Occupancy Problems and Generating Funcions.
    13. Validity Checker Example
    14. Predicate Logic Introduction
    15. Resolution (In Predicate Logic)
    16. Number Theory
    17. Bonus Problem Set (for up to 30 points)
    18. Context-Free Grammars and Languages: Introduction
    19. Computable Functions
    20. Turing Machines and CFL
    21. CSL and LBA (Linear Bounded Automata)
    22. Summary Table of Grammar/Language Hierarchy
    23. PROGRAM-1: Smallest Equivalence Relation
    24. PROGRAM-2: Propositional Logic Validity Tester
    25. PROGRAM-3 Expression Parser Generator
    26. Program-3 Partial Solution
    27. Program-3B
    28. PROGRAM-4B: CFG Reduction
    29. PROGRAM-4: SIMPLE Language Interpreter (Updated: 2013)
  4. COSC3308
    1. COSC3308-SYLLABUS
    3. COSC3308: Operational Semantic Example
    4. COSC3308: Three Semantic examples
    5. COSC3308: Language Evaluation Criteria
    6. COSC3308: Fortran Example Program-1
    7. COSC3308: Fortran Example-2: Recursive Internal Subroutine
    8. COSC3308: Fortran Example-3: Magic Square Partial Solution
    9. COSC3308: Fortran Example-4: Pointers and Linked List
    10. COSC3308: Fortran Example-5: Array Operations
    11. COSC3308: Fortran Evaluation Summary
    12. COSC3308: Snobol Primitive Pattern Structures
    13. COSC3308: Snobol Example-1: Pattern Matching
    14. COSC3308: Snobol Example-2: Function Definition
    15. COSC3308: Snobol Example-2B:Parser
    16. COSC3308: Snobol Example-3: Unevaluated Expression and FullScan
    17. COSC3308: Snobol Example-4: Expression Generation
    18. COSC3308: Snobol Example-5: Recursive Patterns and FullScan
    19. COSC3308: Snobol Example-6: Tracing and Value-returning Functions
    20. COSC3308: Snobol Example-7: Prefix Coonversion
    21. COSC3308: Snobol Example-8: User-defined Data Structure
    22. COSC3308: Snobol Example-9: Logic Checker
    23. COSC3308: Snobol Example-10: Dynamic Scope
    24. COSC3308: Snobol Example-11: Indirect Reference and Ref. para. passing
    25. COSC3308: Snobol Evaluation
    26. COSC3308: Subprogram Design
    27. COSC3308: Prolog Program Example-1: Turbo Prolog Basic Structure
    28. COSC3308: Prolog Program Example-2: Looping & Line Input
    29. COSC3308: Prolog Program Example-3: List Processing
    30. COSC3308: Prolog Example Program-4: Internal Database
    31. COSC3308: Prolog Example Program-5: Miss/Cann Problem
    32. COSC3308: Assignment-1
    33. COSC3308:PROGRAM-2: WFP Expression Generation
    34. Program-2 Pascal Solution
    35. COSC3308:PROGRAM-3: Parser Construction
    36. COSC3308-PROGRAM-4 (Fortran-1B)
    37. COSC3308: Program3 (Fortran-1)
    38. COSC3308:PROGRAM-5
    39. COSC3308:Program-6 (Snobol-1)
    40. COSC3308:PROGRAM-7 (Snobol-2)
    41. COSC3308:Validity Checker Examples
    42. COSC3308: Program-8 (Prolog-1)
    43. COSC3308:PROGRAM-9 (Prolog-2)
    44. COSC3308-TEST-1
    45. COSC3308-TEST1:2004
    46. COSC3308-TEST-2: 2004
    47. COSC3308-TEST-2A
    48. COSC3308-TEST-2B
    49. COSC3308FINAL
  5. COSC3325
    1. COSC3325:SYLLABUS-2010
    3. COSC3325: Philosophical Ethics
    4. Professional Ethics
    5. Professional Codes(1)
    6. Professional Codes(2)
    7. Professional Codes(3)
    8. COSC3325: Application Evolutions and Social Implications
    9. Computer Crimes
    10. COSC3325:Cryptography-I
    11. COSC3325:Cryptography-II (Symmetric Systems)
    12. COSC3325:Cryptography-III
    13. US Legal System
    14. COSC3325:FEDERAL LAWS-1
    15. COSC3325:FEDERAL LAWS-2
    16. COSC3325: Patent Laws
    17. COSC3325: USA PATRIOT ACT (2001)
    18. National Information Infrastructure Protection Act (1996)
    19. Intellectual Property
    20. COSC3325:Program-1A: Dynamic HTML (Using JavaScript)
    21. COSC3325:Program-1B: Primality Testing
    22. COSC3325:Program-1B C++ Partial Solution
    23. COSC3325: Javascript Example (Form and Event Handling)
    24. COSC3325: Some JavaScript Predefined Objects
    25. COSC3325: Program-1A Partial Solution (JavaScript)
    26. COSC3325: Program-2A: RSA Implementation
    27. COSC3325: Program-2B: Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Scheme
    28. COSC3325:ASSIGNMENT1
    29. COSC3325:ASSIGNMENT2
    30. COSC3325: Assignment-3: Case Study (Computer Crimes or Legal Litigations)
    31. Semester Research Project-1 (Comprehensive)
    32. Test-1: 2008
    33. COSC3325:Test-1: 2009
    34. COSC3325:TEST2 (2006)
    35. COSC3325:TEST2C
    36. Final Exam Review
    37. COSC3325:FINAL-2006
    38. COSC3325:FINAL-2008
  6. COSC4301
    1. Course Syllabus: Spring 2013
    2. Brief Introduction to Java
    3. Unix/Linux Notes
    4. First Example Program
    5. Example Program-2: Input Dialog Box & Screen Output
    6. Example Program-3: Leap Year Calculation: Use of for loop
    7. Example Program-4: StringTokenizer Class Example
    8. Example Program-5: A New Class Definition & Array Example
    9. Example Program-6: ArrayList Class Demo
    10. Example Program-7: Collections methods-I
    11. Example Program-8: Collections methods-II
    12. Example Program-9: Class Parameter Example
    13. Example Program-10: Class Parameter Demo Helper
    14. Example Program-11: Stack Operations & PostFix Conversion /a>
    15. Example Program-12: Basic GUI Design Example
    16. Program-1: Simple I/O and Repetition
    17. Program-2: Class Design and Sorting
    18. Program-3: Class Matrix Design (Inverse, Determinant and File I/O)
    19. Program-4: Linked List Manipulations
    20. Program-5: Stack and Postfix Evaluations
    21. Program-6: Binary Search Tree Operations
    22. Program-8: JavaScript Applications)
    23. Program-7: Basic Swing GUI Design
    24. Program-8: Current Page
    25. Program-8: Partial Solution
    26. JavaScript Predefined Methods/Objects
    27. Test-1 (Summer 2012)
    28. Test-1 (2012 Spring)
    29. Test-2 (2011 Fall)
  7. COSC4307
    1. COSC4307: SYLLABUS-2009
    2. COSC4307: Introduction
    3. COSC4307: Binary Relations on Grammar Symbols
    4. R.E.-to-DFSA Conversion
    5. More on Binary Relations (& Tertiary Relations)
    6. Determining Number of Passes
    7. Compilers Vs Interpreters
    8. COSC4307: LL(1) Parse Table Construction
    9. COSC4307:Triple Syntax Checker
    10. COSC4307: SLR(1) Parser Construction
    11. COSC4307: SLR(1) Parser in Action
    12. COSC4307: Quadruple Generation
    13. COSC4307: Boolean Expressions
    14. COSC4307: Bottom-Up Semantic Routines
    15. COSC4307: Error Handling
    16. COSC4307PROGRAM-1B
    17. COSC4307PROGRAM-2 (Updated)
    18. COSC4307PROGRAM-3 (Updated 2009)
    19. COSC4307PROGRAM-5 (Recursive Descent Parser)
    20. COSC4307PROGRAM-6 (Updated 2009)
    21. COSC4307: Program-4: FollowSet Computation
    22. COSC4307PROGRAM-7
    23. COSC4307PROGRAM-8
    24. COSC4307TEST1A
    25. COSC4307TEST1:2008
    26. COSC4307TEST1:2004
    27. COSC4307TEST2A
    28. COSC4307TEST2:2007
    29. COSC4307TEST2:2004
    30. COSC4307TEST3A
    31. COSC4307Final:2007
  8. COSC4309
    1. COSC4309SYLLABUS-2005
    2. COSC4309PROGRAM-1
    3. COSC4309PROGRAM-2
    4. COSC4309/5309PROGRAM-3
    5. COSC4309PROGRAM-3B
    6. COSC4309/5309PROGRAM-4: Natural Resource Management
    7. Program-4 Partial Solution(C++)
    8. Program-5(Arena-1): Bonus Program
    9. COSC4309/5309PROGRAM-6
    10. COSC4309/5309: Group Project
    11. COSC4309:GPSS-DATA
    12. COSC4309:TEST1
    13. COSC4309:TEST1B:2004
    14. COSC4309:TEST2
  9. CPSC4370
    1. CPSC4370:COURSE SYLLABUS:2003
    14. CPSC4370: TEST-1
    15. CPSC4370: TEST-2:11/26/2001
  10. COSC5100
    1. COSC5100:SYLLABUS:2004
    2. COSC5100:PROGRAM-1
    3. COSC5100:PROGRAM-2
    4. COSC5100: Logical Validity Checker Examples
  11. COSC5313
    1. COSC5313: SYLLABUS:2014
    2. COSC5313PROGRAM-1: Rook Polynomial
    3. COSC5313PROGRAM-2: Linear Programming: Convex Hull Checker
    4. PROGRAM-2 (Bonus): Chromatic Polynomials
    5. COSC5313Program-3: BPE Generation & Ranking: (2013: Updated)
    6. Program-4: Minimum Total Load (2013 Updated)
    7. COSC5313: Program-3: BPE Generation: Pascal Solution
    8. COSC5313PROGRAM-6A: Triangulations (Dynamic Programming)
    9. COSC5313Program-5: Stable Matching (Backtracking): 2013 Updated
    10. Algorithm Quality
    11. Recurrence Relation Solution
    12. Inhomogeneous Recurrence Relations
    13. COSC5313: Rook Polynomials and Chromatic Polynomials
    14. Simplex Algorithm (Original and 2-Phase)
    15. Occupancy Problems and Generating Funcions.
    16. COSC5313: Greedy Algorithms
    17. COSC5313: Dynamic Programming
    18. COSC5313: Probabilistic Algorithms
    19. Exploring Graphs
    20. COSC5313: Restrictive Cutset and Minimum Total Load Problem
    21. COSC5313: IP Representation of NP-Complete Problems
    22. Test-1: 2012 (Updated)
    23. Test-1: 2013 (Updated)
    24. COSC5313: Test-2 (Updated 2009)
    25. COSC5313: Test-2 (Updated 2012)
    26. COSC5313Final: 2011
    27. Final Exam: 2009
  12. COSC5315
    1. COSC5315: COURSE SYLLABUS: Fall 2012
    2. Partially Computable Functions and Computable Functions
    3. Universal Programs and Normal Form Theorem
    4. Some basic Primitive Recursive Functions
    5. Program Encoding and Halting Problem
    6. Primitive Recursive Functions and Pairing Function
    7. Recursively Enumerable Sets and Parameter Theorem
    8. Many-One Reducibility and Rice's Theorem
    9. Turing Machines
    10. Semi-Thue Processes and NDTM-DTM Equivalence
    11. CFL
    12. Some Unsolvable Grammar Problems
    13. PCP Applications
    14. CSL and LBA
    15. COSC5315: Resolution Strategies
    16. Summary of Various types of Languages and Their Applications
    17. Predicate Logic Introduction
    18. COSC5315: Program-1
    19. Program-2: DFSA Equivalence Checker (Updated)
    20. Program-2: Most General Unifier Construction (Updated 2013)
    21. Program-3: Regular Expression Checker
    22. Program-3: TM-STP Conversion
    23. COSC5315: Program-3C
    24. COSC5315: Program-3: CSG-LBA Conversion
    25. COSC5315: Program-4: DFSA Equivalence Checker
    26. Program-4: CFG Reduction (Updated, 2012)
    27. Group Project: Grammars/Languages/Acceptors Applications
    28. COSC5315: Test-1: 2008 Fall
    29. Test-1: Updated 2012 Summer
    30. COSC5315: Test-2: 2008 Fall
    31. COSC5315: Test-2: 2005
    32. Final Exam: 2008B
    33. COSC5315: Final Exam: 2008
    34. COSC5315: Final Exam: 2002
  13. COSC5319
    1. COSC5319SYLLABUS:Summer-2009
    2. COSC5319: SLR(1) Parser Consruction
    3. COSC5319: SLR(1) Parser in Action
    4. Error Processing
    5. COSC5319: Automatic Syntax Checker Generation
    6. COSC5319PROGRAM-1
    7. COSC5319: R.E.- DFSA Conversion
    8. COSC5319PROGRAM-2
    9. COSC5319PROGRAM-3
    10. COSC5319: Program-4 (Natural Loop Finding)
    11. COSC5319PROGRAM-4B (Bonus Program: Loop-Invariant Computations)
    12. COSC5319PROGRAM-5
    13. COSC5319PROGRAM-6
    14. COSC5319PROJECT
    15. Test-1: 2006 (Updated)
    16. COSC5319TEST-1
    17. COSC5319TEST-1B
    18. Test-2: 2006 Summer
    19. COSC5319TEST-2
    20. COSC5319FINAL
  14. COSC5320
    1. COSC5320TEST-1
    2. COSC5320TEST-2
    3. COSC5320FINAL98
  15. COSC5341
    1. COSC5341: Syllabus:2003
  16. COSC5369
    1. COSC5369:SYLLABUS:2006

My Biography appearing at HTTP://CS.LAMAR.EDU

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